Chapter Nine

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Silent Shinobi (9)

Zeri's POV

I strolled past the village, running a hand through my hair lazily. Apparently we were supposed to meet Kakashi at the bridge two hours ago, but I didn't really care. I could tell Kakashi was going to be even later than me anyway. I yawned, stretching my arms over my head and watching the villagers go about as usual. I hadn't eaten yet, and although I was used to not eating for a longer period of time, I really wanted something to eat.

"C'mon Choji! We're gonna be late, and Asuna-sensei'll probably give us an extra mission or something if we don't get there in time," A rather loud and high-pitched voice whined, followed by a tired sigh and the crunching of someone eating. I looked ahead of me, noticing two boys and a girl standing clustered together. My eyes zoomed in towards the packet of chips one of them was holding, feeling my mouth water slightly. Boy, I haven't had those in forever! I grinned deviously, a plan forming in my mind, and I transported myself into a tree above them.

"But I'm eating," The boy holding the chips said, stuffing his hand into the packet and chomping loudly. Lying on my back, I watched him sigh happily as he continued to eat while the other boy with black, spiky hair sighed. "What a drag," he grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. The girl with the long blonde hair stomped her foot exasperatedly, whining loudly and trying to get the two to walk faster. I wrinkled my nose, disliking her already. She reminded me of Sakura with Naruto and Sasuke. As they started to walk towards me, I whistled lowly.

A few seconds later, a black cat leapt up onto the tree, meowing as she sat down in front of me. I scratched her behind the ears, smiling slightly as it purred contentedly. "You know what to do, right?" I asked, my eyes flickering to the trio. The cat meowed, its tail swishing from side to side as it peered up at me, waiting for my approval. I smirked, and it leapt off the tree, padding towards them. The girl was the first one to notice the cat, squealing excitedly.

"Oh my god, how cute! Shikamaru, Choji, look! It's a cat!" Hearing her last statement, I rolled my eyes. Duh, then what was it? A chicken?

She rushed towards it, holding her arms out. The cat continued running towards her, but instead of leaping into her arms, it ducked under her and circled Shikamaru's legs, purring. Choji snickered, and I could tell Shikamaru was holding back a smirk as he picked the cat up. "Where did you come from?" he mumbled, and the cat meowed, settling on his shoulders comfortably.

"Hahaha, Ino! You just got rejected," The other boy crowed, and an anime vein appeared on the girl's forehead. "Shut up, Choji! That cat is stupid, anyway!" The cat hissed, standing up on Shikamaru's shoulders as it bared its teeth warningly. The girl glared back. "Yeah, you heard me! Stupid cat!"

Shikamaru's POV

Oh no. She shouldn't have said that. "Uh, Ino? I wouldn't-" The cat hissed, jumping off my shoulders and running towards Ino. Ino screamed, jumping away from the cat and hiding behind Choji. "Choji! Go scare it away!" Choji choked on his chips, sputtering. "What?! No way! Get it away from me!" Choji screeched, running away from Ino. I looked up at the sky. "Why me?" I groaned, as Choji and Ino kept screaming as the cat chased after Ino, who kept trying to hide behind Choji.

Suddenly, a whistle came from the trees, and the cat abruptly stopped chasing Ino, dashing towards the tree instead. Ino slowly peeled herself off Choji, who was wheezing from running around so much. Finally, I sighed, walking towards them. "Are you guys okay? Man, what a drag," Ino, smoothed down her hair, which was sticking up all over the place. "Yeah, I'm fine." Choji nodded. "Yeah, me t-!" Suddenly, his face turned pale.

"Huh? Choji, what's the matter?" I asked, wondering why he suddenly stopped talking. "M-m-m-my c-c-ch-" he stuttered, and Ino clapped her hands in front of his face. "Choji! Snap out of it!" She shouted, and I winced. Man, did she have to be so loud?

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