Chapter 6 part one

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A.N So I decided to updated this chapter in two parts, because friend really wanted to read it, so expect the next chapter soon. I updated even though I didn't get what I wanted. But I would really like some feedback and for the next chapter I'll make it easy 5 comments and 5 votes. I will only update when I get that. Pretty Please with a cherry on top. Let's make a deal the person who gives me the best feedback, gets dedication for the chapter 5. This chapter is dedicated to Elle, @JamesJenkins0098 because she really wanted me to update this chapter.

P.S Can you guys do me a favour and check out the story rise of the outs on the account @thesexysixsome its a calibrated story, me and my friends are doing please check it out, it is really good. I'll love you forever if you do and give us some feedback.

Just a warning, there is a lot of swearing ahead, read at your own risk!

Chapter 6 part one:

Have you ever starred out in the rain?

Thought the clouds would never disappear

Have you ever screamed out in the dark?

Thinking no one else could hear

(Believe again by Delta Goodrem)


The bloody piece of sh*t. For the hundredth time I put the key in the ignition but all that followed was a howling noise of the engine. My stupid damn sister stole my bike for the weekend. By saying 'stole' I mean that she never asked to borrow it. One day I came home to find my bike gone and left with her text saying that she needed it for the weekend. That b*tch didn't even ask before hand and now I was stick with her flashy yellow Porsche, which didn't even work.

I was stuck in the middle of town, two kilometres from my house, it was bloody raining and this stupid piece of junk wouldn't turn on. You know what's worse the sky was crying so hard that the chances of a flood was high and I didn't even have an umbrella.

The water made me want so shiver as I made me way out of the piece of sh*t and into the murderous rain. My body-fit black top and my Calvin Klein jeans clung to body like a fifth layer of skin since the rain drenched every part of it in less than ten seconds.

It was continual struggle to figure out where I was going because the rain made my eye sight blurry. Cars sped pass and all the water came lashing onto me.

What seemed like after eternity, I finally saw the sign of the bus stop near my apartment. I sped up my trembling feet so I could enjoy the warm quicker because right now it was damn freezing. There were no people in sight on the side road, seeing that they would stay warm in their house and staying out of this bloody rain. They were probably enjoying their hot chocolates right now in front of the blazing fire place, and laughing with their families. For me, what family, there is none other than my sister, and I was still stuck in this rain, five more blocks away from apartment block.

I starred day dreaming of how when I got home that I would have a long, warm shower and make hot chocolate. And then I will soon be sitting lazily on my plush sofa and switching channels on the TV and enjoying my loneliness.

There was only two block away from my building and-


I took three steps back and squinted my eyes to get a better view, like that helped! NOT! The rain surely hadn't made me delusional, I rubbed my eyes but nothing changed, there was a girl, probably no older than me, sitting on the bench seven metres away in this pouring rain. Worse, she was only wearing a creamy tank top with a navy blue high wasted shorts and make matters even bad, she only have thongs on.

Was she insane or what?

"Hey!" I screamed out in her direction, hoping whoever the person was could hear me. But she didn't even nudge. There was no one here so if I left her she would die a slow agonizing death. She'll probably get pneumonia or something like that and end up dying, and then I'll be haunted of guilt for the rest of my life if I don't help her no matter how stupid she is.

"Heyyyy!!" I yelled louder. Your sh*tting me right? Still no response.

Urghhh! F*ck this.

I sprinted my way through the rain towards her. "Hey, there girl. You'll die freezing if you stay here any longer," I bellowed through the heavy thudding of the rain, but even though I was that close to the girl she refused to look back at me.

That's it, I had it. I pushed my hand out and shook the girl's shoulder, maybe she was already dead?

"Go away," wait, I know that voice.


The girl turned to face and then she stopped. Those, oh so familiar brown eyes starred at me, her brown hair was now damp and clung to parts of her. Her eyes held the familiar feelings of disappointment, hatred, annoyance all welled up in those orbs.

The same girl that I kept bumping into. That same girl that made me feel wired. That same girl I think I was falling hard for. That same girl that didn't give a damn about me. That same girl that I was going to pour out the secrete that I had kept closed in me but she refused to listen. That same girl that had once let out all her problems out to me when she was drunk. That girl, Jasmine.

"What the hell are doing in this bloody rain you're probably going to freeze to death?"

"Well, I rather die than live another day."

"What do you mean?"


"You know what screw it, your explanations can quite for later," I snaked my hand around her wrist and pulled her up, she tried to get out of my grip but she pretty weak.

"Wait I am not coming with you, can't you just leave me alone?!"

"You have no choice, and you fascinate me too much."

She looked at me in a stern way, and I think it was pretty clear to her that I wasn't going to just let her go.

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