Chapter 12

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*Chapter 12*

*Adrian's POV

"Can I have another glass of vodka..ka?" I asked the bar tender.

"Seriously dude are you okay? You already had 6," asked the bartender.

"My personal life is none of your business," it should have came out a lot snappier but in my drunk state it was no were near it.

The bartender just laughed at my response and poured me another glass of vodka.

I poured the shoot of vodka down my throat; there was a slight burning sensation. The burning was the only good part of this, in other words the pain was the best part of life. PLEASE NOT THE SARCASM.

"I need another shott!" I 'tried' to scream at the bartender's direction.

A glass of vodka was place in front of me on the marble bench.

"No, no. That's enough for you for one night."

A hand intertwined its way around the glass and removed MY drink from ME.

"Hey, thas moine! Giveee it backkkkk!" I turned around to the source of sounds and screamed at it.

"I said you've had enough and you're going home."

"Hey, I might me drunk but I'm not going home with a stranger."

"You idiot I'm a stranger, It me Triana, your one and only sister," I looked upto her and there i found the ugly smugly face that belonged to no other than my sister.

"Oh, ewhh it's you."

"We're going home." She wrapped her fingers around my wrist and started dragging.

"Wait," I attempted to come out of her grip but only fail, "I haven't finshed ere."

"You're and Idiot when your drunk. You always are and always will be."

She dragged with through the sweaty bodies, out the front gate where the security guard gave me a look of disapproval, and into her yellow Porsche. How did she even find it and get the junk crap running again.

"Why do you do such stupid things?"

"What do you mean?"

"Getting immensely drunk. I don't know what would have happen today if i didn't find you when i did."

Trina wasn't here when the incident happened and she really didn't get affected much by it since she really wasn't on good term with neither my parents nor Damien. She just found it really irritating that she had to take the responsibility of me. Though she mightn't have such an effect on it, I really didn't want to bring it up.

So I said the weirdest thing ever.

"I think I am in love," and after that all was black.

*A.N *If i get 3 comments and three votes next chapter will be up by tomorrow then

i am so sorry this is a crappy and short chapter because wattpad decided to delete my original one, which was much longer. But i thought I really needed to update because you wonderful people made my day when I come home from a really crappy day and see 121 votes. Thank you to all of you, I love you guys so much. Sometimes i just feel I don't get any feedback for this so i thinks its crap and want to delete it, but any whore I'm not going to delete it.

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