Chapter 18

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* Chapter 18*

*Jasmines POV*

Rays of sunlight peeked through the faults in the blinds. A smell that wasn’t describable but hard to mistake tickled my nose. Curiosity surged through me.  Mum hadn’t cooked pancakes in so long that I literally couldn’t remember the last time she did. The only reason she probably was because there was guest in the house. I lifted myself off the bed to find that Jordan had already gotten up and was nowhere in sight. That’s good news I guess.

I slipped on my ugg boats and walked into the shower. Jordan wasn’t in the bathroom either and surprisingly it was as tidy as I left it before Jordan trespassed it.


After I finished scrubbing and washing myself down, I lightly whirled the hair-dryer around my head just for a few second, and pulled it into a messy bun not wanting to deal with it right now. I pulled on a pair of black gym shorts and a dark blue over-sized jumper.

I walked down to the kitchens finding only two plates of perfectly made blueberry pancakes and vanilla ice-cream.

“Like my cooking?” Jordan whispered into my ear.

“What!?” I turned around in shock

“Where is mum and Irony?” I questioned.

“Oh they just went shopping for the day, so do the sums and we are stuck together for the day.”

“There is no way that’s happening.”

“Sorry, girly there is no way of changing it.”

“This is such a sick joke.”

“It would be sick if it was a joke, but obviously it isn’t.

“I don’t want your side remarks, thank you very much.”

“That will be noted.”

“So are you going to eat or what?” he asked gesturing to the food.

“Well let’s see did you put like something in it?” I asked suspiciously.

“Ofcourse I did. I put like sugar, flour, eggs…”

I cut his stupidity of, “I got the point, okay.”

“So shall we eat.”

“We shall.”

“Wow, your being nice.”

“Don’t get used to it.”

“Well I will enjoy it while it lasts.”

“You do that.”

After that there were no more conversations. Jordan and I savoured each bit of the food. What surprised me was that he wasn’t the typical messy fast eater that everyone stereotyped to be. He was more graceful maybe that came along with the way he lived.

“I have to say, that you are a pretty damn good cook,” I said after m last bit.

“Wow, there. Jazzy first being nice to me now actually complimenting me,” he said showing off his signature smirk.

“If I were you I wouldn’t push my luck.”

“But you’re not me.”

The comment for him earned him a ‘what the fuck’ look from me.

“Hey, so I was thinking I really don’t want to be stuck in this house for the whole today. I was thinking that maybe I could show you a place that made you feel like your back in Australia.”

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