Chapter seven

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Chapter 7:

I'ma make it by any means, I got a pocketful of dreams

Baby in from New York!

Concrete jungle where dreams are made of

There's nothing you can't do

Now you're in New York!

These streets will make you feel brand new

Big lights will inspire you

Hear it for New York, New York, New Yooork!

{I changed a word in the lyrics to suite the situation (Empire State of mind part II)}

Jasmines POV

Mum had left a few weeks before so she could go to America and get everything settled in, like enrolling me in high school, getting a job, and organizing the house.

"Jasmine, you don't have to do this," dad repeated it for the twentieth time before I boarded on the plane.

Dad hand his hair beach blonde combed back today and wore a loose white button-up shirt and tan coulored jeans. I felt a surge of sadness wash through me as I looked into my dad's now watery eyes. How could I leave my caring, sarcastic, wild father and move away to the opposite side of the world. Then the answer launched in my head, he had Laura now, even if I stayed he would never treat me like before. He wouldn't go climb trees with me, go camping or dive in the Coral Sea anymore as his attention now would be focused on Laura.

Laura now stood behind my father with no sense of guilt in her face. Was it not visible in what she had done? My family was breaking apart because of her. The sight of her made me want to go right up to her and punch some sense into her, to tell her to get the hell out.

"This is my choice and I am not doubting it," I lied. Lying was one of my weaknesses, but lately I do it so often that it was hard to tell if it was a lie or the truth.

"Tell Andrea I said hi," bitterness was spilling through him when he pronounced my mother's name.

I let out a sigh, "Okay."

"You will visit me soon," he insisted. "You can come home whenever you want the doors are wide open for you."

"Don't worry. I will be fine with mum," I urged. "I love you dad."

Dad pulled me in for a tight hug, then I boarded the plane, and he was gone and so was Australia.

The flight was 23 hours long including a stop at Los Angeles and then a flight to New York. The flight didn't bother me so much because flying was a usual thing before when we went on family holiday every 6 months; the new place and new people worried me a little, though.

When I landed in New York, it was raining, great now I had to get used to the damn cold weather. Before I left to America I had waved goodbye to the sun.

Mum was waiting outside with her BMW. Envy rose in me I wish I had brought my car, mum had helped herself and brought a new car, damn it I would have to work and save up money again to by a new car.

Mum launched towards me and welcomed me into her arms with a tight hug.

"Can't breathe."

"You don't know how happy I am that you choose to come and stay in America with me, I really thought you were having second thoughts."

"Never, I think dad would do fine, maybe even better, without me," when I said that a grin of approval spread across her face.

I didn't have much language as I had left most of my clothes in Sydney figuring out that I wouldn't really be able to wear all of those clothes due to the weather in New York. All the luggage fit perfectly in the boot of the car.

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