Chapter two

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Chapter 2-

It was a good 10 minutes that Daniel argued with me about the fake ID and why I needed it, even after I handed him the fifty dollars. When at first walked up to his door his eyes literally popped out of his head. He started inquiring me where I was going with such a slutty dress- yes, he actually used that term. He wouldn't shut up or even let me leave until I offered him another $25 and it wasn't a surprise that he took me on that. He literally licks money. You could call him a money-whore.

I got back into my Mercedes and turned into Campbell Parade and drove past the end-less rows of beaches. There was a party in live mode at Bondi beach; I could swear that beach never slept just like Time Square. That was one of the advantages in living in Australia, you were always surrounded by beaches.

I parked two blocks from the local club which already had people swarming outside. Though it was only 2 blocks away it took me a solid 5 minutes to navigate my way through the insane crowd were none of them were sober. Tumbling down on each and I thing I saw a guy making out with two girls at the same time on the concrete ground.

When I finally reached the entrance of the club I swayed my ID in front of the security officer. He took it out of my hand and looked at time closely and then let me in, giving me a doubtful look. The inside smelt very much like a mix of different alcohols but the vodka defiantly stood out.

I walked up to the ultra-modern glass bar and sat down on the chrome barstool. A bartender was walking towards me with a notepad in his hand. I just couldn't help realizing how hot he was with his wavy blonde hair hanging loosely on his forehead and the sparkles in his ocean blue eyes and his outline of his 6 pack showing through his black t-shirt...

My train of thoughts was brought back to reality with the throat clearing of the bartender. He probably realized that I was perving on him

"What do you want?" he asked with a tone of rudeness in his voice. Which annoyed me and my big mouth had to say something.

"Why so rude, are you supposed to be nice to your costumers?" I think that set him back a bit.

But I was wrong, "Didn't your mother ever teacher you that it is rude eye rap someone?"

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused." That guy really pissed me off but I wasn't going to let him win.

"Well thank you very much."

"But clearly, you are unwelcome."

"What's your problem?"

"Well let me see," he paused for a bit. "Right now you're my problem."

"You should be fired."

"Well I pretty damn sure you're not my boss. Can you just tell me what you damn want?"

"Hmm, three shots of vodka!"

"No, make that six," I turned around to see who the person was only to be caught by school bad boy, Adrian. What did he want with me now?

"What is the A-graded, innocent good girl doing here," he paused for a second and looked me up and down. "Wow, I never thought I would see you in such a dress. It's not that I am complaining. I personally like it," he said to me with a smirk which I couldn't lie and say it wasn't hot because it really was. But I knew the drill he would get with a girl for a day or two, screw her and then move on. He was the biggest player in the school but all the girls who fall in his charms no matter what.

"What makes you think that I would tell you? You don't even know me."

"The hell I know you. You name is Jasmine your an A-grade student, or in other words the smartest girl. You very musically talented and you are the hottest girl in the school," I knew what he was trying to do and I wasn't going to fall for it.

"Well that doesn't necessarily mean I am going to spill all my problems to you just because you called me the hottest girl," I sneered at him in disgust.

Just then the bartender came with the 6 shots of vodka and set it on the table. A grin spread over his face when he turned to me. Was he bipolar or something, people like him just confused me.

"Let's make a deal if you drink your three shots first you don't have to tell me but if I drink them first you have to spill your beans," Adrian challenged me with a note of confidence in his voice.

"Fine," I just didn't want to wimp out but I didn't have a good feeling about this either.

I picked up the shots and poured them down my throat feeling the burn of the vodka. When I set down my last shot I turned to see Adrian smirking at me.

Oh no I wasn't ready for this...

AN: Sorry for the really short chapter and it really bad and not edited. But I thought after I finish writing this I will edit it then. Though I have got what I wanted last time I updated that because have yearly exams the next two weeks. But if you guys could get at least 15 reads and ten comments then I will update again and I will promise a long chappie.

Until then, love Humaira

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