10: Hello Mystery

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Eros' POV

"Daaaamn I'm full!" Sire exclaimed and suddenly burped for about three seconds making me flinch at him.

"Well at least cover your mouth!" I scolded. He grinned at me sheepishly and rubbed my back gently. I was really impressed at how he was being a romantic guy. He even offered me a piggyback ride on the way to our dormitory.

"Sorry pumpkin," he apologized, making my expression soften. This thing we have between us now wasn't so bad. We could continue to date as long as he didn't force me to do something I'm not sure of yet. We walked back to our room and saw Jarred and some guy who I don't know of smoking.

Woah...wasn't smoking illegal here? If Leo saw this guy he would be in dead trouble.

Jarred waved at us. wearing that cheerful smile of his. I really thought he was a serious kind of person and I thought he would hate me since he was always a victim of me and Sire's violent argument but Jarred was actually a laid back kind of guy and he was really nice and helpful.

"Hey guys! Back from your date huh?" he greeted with some wiggling of his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at him and smiled. There was no denying it.

"Yeah, so where are you going? Don't tell me that you're leaving Miko to sleep alone."

Jarred snickered. "I'm just going to get a few drinks from the store. By the way, I saw a box in front of your room. It was this big," he said and made an imaginative square out of his hands. I and Sire looked at each other.

He only shrugged at me. It may be nothing to them but I already have a trauma with boxes and cats.

"Thanks Jarred. Hurry up home," I reminded him.

My nose twisted from the smell of smoke. I really hate cigarette smoke. It not only caused air pollution but its effect to those who smell the smoke was worse than the person actually smoking. I wish that Leo could catch this guy to make his ass sorry. I gotta warn Jarred to not get influenced or else I and Miko will suffer.

"Sure sure, momma," he teased.

I smacked his back and continued our way to our room. Not a minute that we bid our farewells did I hear a crashing from behind us.

"Gaah Leo!" Jarred panicked.

"Smoking is not allowed!" Leo reprimanded. "As punishment you will smoke fifteen packs of cigarettes until you get lung cancer!"

Sire burst out of laughing and I had to chuckle at the Dorm president's exaggerated chastisement. We could still hear the President's furious scolding until we reached our door and as Jarred said, there was really a box here wrapped in a light pink gift wrapper. I picked it up and Sire took off the card and read it.

"Birds are beautiful aren't they?" Sire read.

He scoffed and took the box from me. He ripped off the wrapper and removed the lid. There was a chocolate cake inside with letterings saying "Get away from him." Sire put the lid back on and threw the cake in the garbage can along the hallway with the letter.

That box did not make sense at all. What was the connection between a cake and a bird anyway?

"Not another fucking psychopath...and birds are beautiful when they are fried," he sighed.

"You got experiences with psychopaths?" I asked him.

The way he said it made me wonder if Sire had any interesting or creepy experiences like me. I'm not new with this kind of situation but I don't think that anyone will get used to people with mental problems. Just dealing one who was like mom and that mother-fucking prick of an ex-boyfriend had me fear for the worst.

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