7: Hello Ex

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Sire's POV

"Okay now what should I buy for him?" I asked myself as I strolled around the city streets.

I really wish that I was riding my car but sadly, King and Dom needed it the most since I was only living in the dorms. Dad promised me that he'll buy me a motorcycle though but nothing can compare to my baby.

I spotted a small building which was designed to be a chocolate cake. Its roof was adorned with white paint to make it look like icing and there were huge strawberries at the top of the roof. The shop was called 'Sweet delights'. I recalled that Eros loved pudding; I hope they sell pudding or else I'll burn their shop down. I was supposed to take Eros for lunch but he was feisty as ever. I just hoped the kiss I gave him will remind him of me all day.

I went inside of the girly shop, my presence being known because of the bell chiming. Teenage girls and middle-aged women darted their gazes on me like I was the last piece of cake but I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. I ignored their hungry gazes and went to look at the menu with pictures of different kinds of sweets. I cut through the long ass line and ordered since no one even bothered in complaining about it anyway. The cashier girl with freckled cheeks was flustered as she took my order.

"I want two jars of chocolate pudding, all of them in large sizes," I drawled.

The girl shakily tapped on her computer and stuttered "That will be 12 dollars sir."

I pulled out my wallet and she took out the two jars that were each as long as my dick and as wide as the half length of my dick. I'll just measure the size with Christopher later to see if my estimation was correct. I handed her my bill and took the girly box designed with pink things and rabbits.

As I was about to step out of the shop and leave the cursed building filled with the smell of the perfumes of women that made my head hurt, a finger poked me in the back but instead of me turning around, I just made my way out. I don't want to deal with women right now.

I just want to deal with Eros and his sexy ass and I bet that the woman who dared touched me was one of those annoying ones. They were all bothersome for me since I met Eros fox.

I went in the direction back to the university -which was not really that far away- going past the people who were first ahead of me. Well what can I say? My legs were long so it only meant that my steps were huge. I ignored the female calling my name and just continued walking. I just want to give this to Eros and maybe he'll like me a little. Weird, I'm not used to thinking of making someone liking me but then this situation reminded me of someone, someone who fucking loved me for only my body. I'm not saying that Eros and that woman were the same, fuck no, they were different.

Eros made me overthink of making him like me because hell, he was different from those who I have met. I just can't point it out yet but I know that this guy caught my interest. I stopped in my tracks and shook my head. Wait, why do I want him to make him like me? I can't fall in love with him.

No, what I only wanted was a sexual relationship. Yes, that's it. I want him to like me so that we can have sex and maybe this feeling that I hated so much will just go away after sex. Fuck! I was confused. If my life was a book and I was narrating it then the readers would throw a dildo at me for being too bamboozled.

I heard fast clicking of heels from behind me and harsh pants and that's when I heard my name again. I rolled my eyes. I'll just have to snap at this bitch so that she'll leave me alone.

My eyes widened when she appeared in front of me; the woman who I fucking loathe so much. She panted, her sleeveless, strapless, skin tight red dress hugging her lithe figure. Her nipples were clearly shaped by the dress as well as her breast that were impressive but just made me want to puke. Shit, I hate everything about her. She flipped her long black curly hair at the back and pouted at me. I could see guys checking her out but I don't give a dick about it. I will only give my dick to Eros and I will make him love it right Christopher? I could imagine my dick saying 'Aye Aye pops!'

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