4. The Imperfect Bride

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-Black hearts yearn for intense warmth-


The twinkling stars heaved and breathed. I looked up at the sky and listened to the howls of the dogs. Zaroon was out there somewhere. Begrudgingly, I had to accept that he was a brave man. Alone on the fields, with such frightening eeriness echoing in the air. My grandpa was wise to trust him. 

Sighing, I stepped back into my room until the bright moonlight was just some rays in the background. Shadowy and shimmery...I looked at my room. It was so miserably bland-just like my choice. I had a rack full of books, a computer table, one side table and a bed. There were no colours, no choices that defined me. I was genuinely a boring person, and I had school tomorrow. My students-they were the only folks that made me feel lively and, well...me. 

Inside the room, I heard a distant echo of screams-familiar wails. 

Could it be?

I rushed back to the balcony in shock. 

The air was still silent.

Sweat coated my forehead. This would happen to me after each one of my nightmares. I would become delusional till I gained the strength to stabilize myself. However, this time, the voices had been too real. I squinted to get a closer look at the ominous darkness...only to see shadows appearing from the darkness. The dogs were entering the lands, followed by a couple of guards and caretakers.

It was time to head back inside. 


Morning came with a tired blink. And soon, upon being called into my grandma's room, I was told that Aunt Nadia was going to help me with cooking and learning new skills. I had apologized profusely for my clumsy behaviour and was glad that my future mother-in-law had offered to help. I needed to work on paying back for all that this family had done for me. 

Broken souls are lucky to find scar-free hearts.  

Aunt Nadia had offered to give me lessons during the day, after my school classes, so there was no fear of coming across Zaroon. Sameer also worked as a nine to five officer in some nearby offices. Thus, with rosy cheeks and eagerness to impress, I began with my daily visit to Aunt Nadia's house. 

Working in her kitchen was fun yet nerve-wracking.  She would teach me how to cook, how I needed to make sure Sameer was never unhappy with me...asked me to crush spices instead of using the market ones. My days started rolling on an average routine, always teaching, learning, and then heading back home and enjoying Hina's wedding festival. 

My cousins would often go to the town during these days for shopping, but I was never able to join them. I would just be so tired and exhausted. My grandma was going to prepare fancy clothes for me.

Now standing in Aunt Nadia's small kitchen, I smiled as she suggested me tips for making a good 'Ginger Chicken Masala'. She rolled the flour dough on the counter while I sat next to the stove and kept stirring the pot. The sun was blazing hot outside. The kitchen was filled with the smell of rosemary, spices and pure ginger. There were no helpers at this place, so all the cutting and boiling were the job of the main lady of the house. I was told that I would have to take over the kitchen once I became the woman of this house. 

Aunt Nadia had been clear that Sameer wanted a woman who could look after his mother while he was gone. I didn't mind. As long as he treated me as a friend and cared about me, I was happy.

'Labels were all I ever wanted'

Breathing in the smell of spices rocketing up from the pot, I smiled with excitement. Today was the day-my first time to prepare a dish for Sameer. I couldn't help but feel a bit giddy. I had learned a few tips, and I was going to make food for him. Aunt Nadia had offered for me to stay for lunch. I had accepted her offer because she had unknowingly spoken about Zaroon being out of town. 

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