19. Changes of Sweetness and Jealousy

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-Sometimes silence is considered as defeat-


The shop door felt near yet far, as I aimed to push past it. 

Torturous emotions were clouding my senses.  

Zaroon didn't love me, so why choose to play me with that? The heartbreaking emotion of how terrible I had felt when he had rejected me, insulted me...how cold and lonely he had made me feel began flowing down my cheeks until my arm was harshly grabbed just as I had flung open the door, and I was pulled back.

Heavy rainfall was falling on our right side, outside the opened door, but both Zaroon and I paid no attention to the sudden screams of the pelting raindrops as our attention was solely on each other.

Heavy rainfall was falling on our right side, outside the opened door, but both Zaroon and I paid no attention to the sudden screams of the pelting raindrops as our attention was solely on each other

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"Stop! Are you insane?! It is raining out there. You wish to get soaked!" Zaroon harshly scolded. The booming show of temper and authority was profound.

"Don't! Let me go!" My voice cracked with so much pain and agony. The sobs had escaped. I felt embarrassed for crying like this.

He easily manoeuvred me to look at him and grabbed my shoulder, using one hand to tip my chin up.

"Naina-" He used a soft yet stern tone, stance wild with a sense of panic and worry. He seemed so concerned, confused and caught off guard, shocked by my sudden show of pain and tears. My hurt was weighing on him, too.

He wiped my tears with a thumb of the hand tipping my chin up, and I kept my gaze firmly lowered to avoid his intense look, trying to gulp in the intense feeling of shaking during his stern glare, while sniffing in a childish manner.  

His anger was always terrifying!

"What's wrong?" There was a low whisper.

"Why do you care?" My words sounded sad and mellow, my heart already knowing the answer.

My jaw clenched at that.

"What sort of question of that? You are my wife.....And I-I am crazy about you..." He let out a low chuckle, with hesitance. His shoulders had slumped. It felt like he had been holding this for a long time, or perhaps something he didn't want to slip out. His confession immediately made me look up at him with mad hurt and disbelief. 

So many rocketing butterflies had soared up with an insane emotion yet got crushed at the same time. The words seemed so foreign and shocking to my ears. I had to inhale sharply to not keep on staring at him with immense shock.

Crazy about me?  

"Just because we are now married, y-you don't have to force yourself to feel such emotions. I know you are extremely loyal to my grandpa, but I don't want you to see me as a duty. I just want you to let me go." Extreme doubt had settled in. I knew he was lying. Being a worker, it was his duty to always protect and defend the feelings of Zafar Malik's family, but there was no denying that he was just going along with the orders. 

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