3. Dreams and Sly Tricks

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-A single rose was given by some crass hands-


One heartbreak was enough...one dream was enough...

Smiling, I worked in the kitchen with a twirl in my step. The morning started with a pleasant grin on my face. I was feeling giddy and strange. It had taken me some time to fully accept the unexpected news, but once my soul caught up with the emotions, I just felt refreshed by the thought of settling down. I would feel vulnerable in my moments of fear, but soon...I would have someone teach me how to be strong.

I had been asked to help prepare breakfasts for Zaroon's mother. Since impression and reputation meant a lot in this place, I had to make sure that I impressed my trainee. Some of the helpers had conspiring asked why I, being the granddaughter of the feudal king, was working to impress my trainee. I had never actually cooked anything in my life. I knew the basics. But hardcore dishes...I had no idea how to prepare them, and it felt strange how I was working on such a day. Yet, this woman was actually my mother-in-law. I had to impress her. 

Daughters of the kings have knights fend for their smiles.

I had been treated like a part of the royal family, yet I knew that I owed a lot to this family. If they wanted to present me as a skilled and impressive person to the woman who was willing for me to become part of their family, I had no qualms. 

One of the elderly helping staff had given me a strange sympathetic look when I told her that I was going for my training. She gently patted my head and wished me the best of luck. I guess she was just overwhelmed by how hard I was working to impress the awaiting family.  

I really wanted things to work. 

I wasn't really a person who had many dreams or expectations. I was fine living my life traditionally, going along the flow, and just having people by my side. There was no intensity, no specific types or anything. 

Now having prepared Butter Chicken Masala with the help of the workers, I smiled at the gravy bowl in my hands and began heading out of the kitchen. I had to be careful with the hot dish. The kitchen was at the backside of the haveli, and I had to work down a huge hallway to reach the guest hall. My grandpa was in the sitting and waiting for me to arrive. I had to serve him first before serving Aunt Nadia who was sitting in the dining hall. 

The helpers had already set food in the guest hall. I was just bringing one dish as a symbol of respect. Balancing my dish, I headed out of the kitchen, smiling at the bright yellow ceiling lights already lit up, and began carefully walking towards the guest hall. I had to walk through a red-carpeted hall, and down the huge main lounge in order to reach the guest hall's door. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. 

I was constantly making sure to not spill anything on my dress, and keep my henna-covered hands clean and secure around the bowl. Upon reaching the main lounge, I beamed at the sensation of all its chandeliers turned on for the special occasion. These chandeliers were only turned on during the morning on special occasions. Since Hina's wedding, the haveli had been filled with a layer of excitement, yet still, today was extra special. 

However, just as I neared the guest hall's door that was situated near the main clear-glass, crystal doors leading out of haveli-to its vast gardens, I momentarily stopped, breathed in and mentally gave myself a prep-talk. 

I could do this. 

had nothing to be nervous about. No matter what, I was the granddaughter of a feudal king. My in-laws were his people. I would get trained and maybe Zaroon leaving me would be treated as gently as possible. No one was allowed to embarrass the granddaughters of the feudal king. 

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