23. The Bittersweet Reunion (Part 1)

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-Chasing the storms for her glimpse-



Loud fierce slap.

Zafar Malik was raging. Slapping Zaroon across the face, the old man glared with hostility. The courtyard had been emptied for this confrontation.

"You were in charge."  He looked up at Sher Khan.

"I know, Sir." Zaroon listened with a lowered head, his arms folded back his back in obedience and deep, solemn, regret. His own mind was maligning him for not being able to protect Naina. This was one of the reasons he offered no retaliation. His boss was shorter and weaker than him. Zaroon could easily have stopped the slap, yet the respect for his King...he was willing to take it all. He could completely understand his boss's worry. It had been his fault. He was devastated. 

"With the elections so close...do you have any idea what can happen to her! "

Zaroon didn't even want to think about that. If anything happened to his wife, he was never going to forgive himself. 

"I am going to let anything happen to her," he spoke. This was a promise, a deadly declaration. He was going to crush anyone who even dared to think of harming his wife-his precious girl.

"Just go and get her as soon as possible." The frustration in the voice of the feudal king was clear. 

"I will."


Sher Khan was in an extremely foul mood. The workers of the lands were in a panic. Zafar Malik had given strict orders to find Naina at any cost, and Sher Khan....he was furious and fumed with the anxiety of Naina being out there on her own. She was too small, so pure...his heartbeat was racing with the thought of not having her close. 

She had no idea what she had done!

He had some idea where she had gone, and the thought she made such a move without telling him irritated him so much. 

She was his! 

She had to let him take care of her. He was also frustrated with himself. He should have known beforehand that she was going to do something like this. She had been devastated to know that her real family hadn't sold her. He should have been more considerate instead of thinking he could simply hide her away from the pain. 

Slamming his hands against the steering wheel of his Mclaren car, he felt like pulling on his hair in pure maniac anger. Her sweet gaze, her gentle and tiny form...he loved her so much. She was so dearly his, and it was killing him that he wasn't there to take care of his sweetly stubborn girl. The security staff was on full alert. Everyone had been ordered to spread out. Yet, instead of leading the team, Zaroon was on his own mission. 

He was going to get his girl back. 

Momentary leaning his head against the headrest of his seat, he looked up at the sky...images of her tears, how she had broken down before him....there was sorrow felt at the thought that he hadn't been able to take care of her pain. Naina...she would never understand how much she meant to him.

Since a young boy, he had loved her. His obsession, craze for her, no one was going to understand that. When she was around, he felt like ignoring the world so he could focus on her. She was the love of his life. His attention would already blur his surroundings, every time she would look at him with her tender gaze, hitching his breath in the most awestruck ways.  

She was so softly kind, gentle....and his. And it was destroying him, driving him insane that she had decided to not understand these emotions. Her name, her soul...everything about her always had his heart beating on an overdrive. She would have never left without telling if she knew just how intensely he felt about her. 

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