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Shin Hye keeps learning Jimin’s facial expressions and could already make out what was going inside his brain as he kept rolling back his eyes along with constant sighing.

“I’m hungry after having a nap.” Jimin says lazily, kinda wanting to punch his so-called boyfriend.

“That was not a nap Park Jimin! You slept for fucking three hours!” Exclaims Jungkook, can’t believe he dared to call his slumber a nap.

“As if you didn’t ha?” Retorts back Jimin with an open mouth, already pissed.

“We’ll go collect some books from the library guys…” The couple murmurs and sneaks out silently as the other two keep bickering, not batting them an eye.

Jimin seals his lips while fisting his hands and yells, “You’re just dumb Jungkook, clearly dumb!” He couldn’t bottle up his emotions any longer, his hunger adding on to it. Fortunately, the class was empty as it was the break time.

“What did I do now?” Jungkook asks with wide eyes, almost taken aback at the other’s outburst.

“That’s the problem Jungkook! You don’t do anything…” And with these being his last words uttered, more like screamed, Jimin stomps away, exiting the class to somewhere away from the clueless guy sitting on the bench, perplexed or better if we say, pissed.

Jimin’s restless legs lead him to the canteen as the hunger was now unbearable, he was now angry even at his small legs because he couldn’t take big steps to reach his destination, his boyfriend’s first love – food.

His mood lightens up a bit when savory food items get in his view. By the counter, he orders some spicy noodles for himself and two chicken burgers for his little brat. Even though he was angry, he couldn’t help but feel the love for his bunny overflow in his veins, after all, seeing him eating well was his happy sight.

He takes a seat by an empty table as he waits for his food to get prepared and keeps scrolling through the social media apps, not even a single thing getting inside his head. ‘Was he this shy to accept it before his best friends who had been with him from ages?’ He was still lost in his thoughts when he finds the opposite seat before him being occupied by someone specific. Jimin could only glance away and sigh, before he could make himself comfortable to leave the table, his wrist gets held by the other which makes him to flare his nostrils and stare back at him as a warning to let go, but the other seemed pretty determined.

“Please Jimin…at least listen to me once…” The boy pleads with his hand still holding Jimin’s.

“Sehun, didn’t I clear it yesterday itself? And moreover, my mood is already ruined, don’t wann—” Jimin states more like a fact with his one brow raised arrogantly.

“Just this time Jimin, just listen to me once and I won’t bother you from next time, I promise. Please?” Sehun begs him with expectant eyes, his forehead already creased. Jimin considers the offer as he really didn’t want to be bothered by people who had insulted his precious human. So, he falls back in his seat with a bored expression hanging on his face as if he’s doing a favour to the other, which he was already doing.

“Alright, say...but please, get done with it quick.” Sehun nods smiling as he lets go of the other’s hand.

“I—I know I don’t deserve to be forgiven f—for what I said that night…but I still wanna apologize. I was drunk, I wasn’t sane. I know that being drunken doesn’t justify my actions or whatsoever…I just wanna say I’m sorry for all that happened that day. It was my fault, I—I was wrong…I shouldn't have said such horrible things to him.” Sehun finally ends his apology as he keeps looking at his fidgeting fingers, his mind still clouded with the question if he’ll be given the apology or not.

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