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"I'll eat later mom. I need to go!" Jimin yells from his room as he struggles to get the jeans through his well-toned plump ass and then buckles it around his slim waist. His mother's request falls on dumb ears and he sprints out the house with his charm drop earrings dangling from his earlobes.

As he throws the bag in the passenger seat and starts the ignition, he multitasks to call his lovely boyfriend too, "Jungkook, where are you - at the restaurant or home? I'm on my way to pick you up." He asks while having his eyes focused on the road to get to his precious human as soon as possible.

"Home, was just packing some last few items that we had bought." That 'we' instantly brings a bright smile on Jimin's face and he could see a beaming Jungkook on the other side of the screen from the way he spoke. "Okay... I'll be there in a few minutes."

When he reaches the building, he finds Jungkook springing up from a bench on which he was seated onto for the past five minutes. It's just a backpack that he carries on his back which isn't even too stuffed but Jimin still feels like he's leaving him for so long and that too miles away, the invisible suitcases for sure visible in his imagination.

With the bag placed in the back seat, Jungkook takes the passenger seat and returns a sad but sweet smile to Jimin because the pink-haired does the same. For a few seconds, Jimin doesn't say anything, just looks at the other with so much of enamored fondness. "Jimin, we're gonna get late if you're going to continue staring at me like that." Jungkook whines a little as his cheeks turn a shade darker red, that's just how much Jimin's every small act would affect him.

"It always feels less... if only I would have had the superpower to stop time, I would have held you tight and pressed the pause button and wouldn't ever let you go." Jimin looks straight into those black orbs and the way his hazel eyes twinkle with candor warms the ravenette's heart. He then sighs and goes in for the back seat to pull out a hand bag and tosses it into the other's lap. Jungkook furrows his eyebrows on catching it but doesn't bother looking inside.

"You know I'll miss you too, right?" Jungkook asks, more like reassures the other with his puppy eyes and steady glance as he tucks some hair strands behind Jimin's adorable ear. The soft gesture triggers Jimin's emotions that he was trying so bad to ignore and he almost jumps on the other to cage him into a tight hug. Jungkook embraces him with the same fervor and drops tender kisses on his neck as he pats his fluffy candy-floss hair to relax him, his own baby eyes glossy too.

He does hear a meek sniffing sound when Jimin squeezes his nape with his one hand. Gradually, when they break the hug, a warm ball of air hits Jungkook's cheek and when Jimin gets back to his seat properly, there are no tears in his sad eyes but Jungkook could tell he had cried if his red eyes and wet eyelashes stuck together didn't give away.

"I know I keep repeating this and... I know I'm just being dramatic. And no! I don't want you to repeat yours too." Jimin warns Jungkook beforehand with his raised brows when he sees him opening his mouth to say something but after hearing the other's stern words a cute smile breaks out on the taller's thin cherry lips and he places his index on his puckered lips, representing an exact image of the kindergarten kids which takes back Jimin to an imaginary world of Jungkook going mum with his big bambi eyes sparkling innocently just because his teacher asked him to do so.

With a hearty chuckle the bunny boy comments with an arched brow, "So, this was your plan of dropping me off hunh? By locking me inside your car so that I miss the train?" Jimin shakes his head while giggling softly as he finally starts the car and looks at Jungkook with sealed lips, a playful glint clear in his dilating pupils, "If only I could." And with that, the car gets on the busy road as the silence brings in a warm comfort.

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