Chapter 26

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It's been a week since I found out who my parents are.

I haven't really gotten to call them Mom and Dad. I'm still getting used to it. I'm still trying to get the courage to call them Mom and Dad.

I hope they don't mind that.

I put on my uniform and fix my tie.

I hear a knock.

It's my mom.

"Oh sorry I hope I'm not bothering you." She says coming in.

"Nope not at all." I say.

She just looks at me smiling.

"I got you something." She says.

She comes over to me.

She gives me a box.

I open it.

It was a necklace.

It said my ashley

"It looks so beautiful. Thank you." I say hugging my mom.

"I'm glad you like it." She smiles.

I smile.

"Oh and me and your dad will be having a family dinner for the first time. So you should come to the house for dinner." She tells.

"I'll be there." I smile.

"Well you should get going for class." She says.

"I'll see you later." I say getting up.

"Ashley." She calls.

"Yes?" I ask.

She hugs me.

I head out after.

"Hi again!" I hear.

"Oh hello." I say.

He seems familiar. Was it Yedam?

"Yedam right?" I ask.

"Yes that's right!" He says.

Me and him continue having a conversation while getting some breakfast.

He sang to me and he has an amazing voice.

"Wow you should be a singer." I tell him while I grab some fruit.

"Thanks. But being a werewolf isn't really helping that." Yedam chuckles.

I laugh.

We start walking to the tables.

"Junkyu hyungs really lucky to date you." Yedam says.

"Date me?" I ask.

"Yeah Ashley you're like every guys dream girl." Yedam says.

"I never knew that." I say surprised.

"We'll see ya later Ashley!" Yedam says leaving.

I wave bye.

I head to my table and find my friends eating.

I sit next to Junkyu.

"Morning." I tell him.

But he just ignores me.


I look at the others for an answer.

They just look at me.

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