Chapter 13

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I was walking in the hallway when i see something.

It was Ashley and Sunghoon holding hands.

My chest goes heavy.

They look good together.

I should really move on from her. She's already taken and that's just wrong to like my friends girlfriend.

But Ashley makes me fall for her even more.

This girl really makes me go crazy. I barely have interest in girls.

I'm not gay or anything.

But ever since Ashley came to this academy she's been making me think about her all the time. She probable doesn't even know she's doing this to me.

The reason why I've been avoiding Ashley and being cold to her is because I guess that's the only way for me to move on from her.

But she's really making it hard.

I was about to go in my room.

"Hey Kyu!" Sunghoon calls me.

"Hey." I smile.

"Do you want to spare? Haven't been training." Sunghoon ask.

"Yeah sure let me just change from my uniform." I say.

I go in my room and change my clothes.

Me and Sunghoon were throwing punches at each other.

It's not like we're fighting fighting. It's practice.

For some reason my dad makes us practice for self defense.

He throws a punch but I dodge it and kick him off his feet.

Sunghoon chuckles.

I help him up.

"You're always so good Kyu." Sunghoon chuckles.

I laugh.

I give him a water bottle.

"Congrats on you and Ashley by the way." I tell him.

I try to fake a smile.

"Oh yeah thanks." Sunghoon smiles.

"You look good together." I say.

"You think so?" Sunghoon ask.

I nod.

But she looks way better with me...


I was at the school field. I wanted to take a walk and just clear my head.

So me and Sunghoon are dating now. He's a really sweet guy and very caring towards me. Many girls glare at me but I guess they're just jealous. Even I'm surprised to be dating him.

But Yeji has been off lately ever since me and Sunghoon announced me and him are dating.

Especially Junkyu.....he's been ignoring me for the past 2 weeks but sometimes he wouldn't little things that grab my attention.

He's so weird. Ever since he kept ignoring me I've been thinking about him nonstop.

I don't like it!

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