Chapter 22

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I wake up. What the heck happened?

Suddenly I started remembering everything.



I widen my eyes.

"Hey Noona breakfast is ready!" Haruto says coming in the room.

"Haruto!" I yell.

"Hm?" He asked confused.

"I just confessed to Junkyu last night.....while drunk." I say shocked.

"Damn no wonder Junkyu Hyung seems to be in a good mood." Haruto says.

"What do I do???" I ask.

How am I supposed to face him??

"You were pretty interesting last night Noona." Haruto adds.

"Don't even start." I glare.

Haruto chuckles then leaves the room.

I slump back to my bed. I just embarrassed myself to my friends last night and worse I just confessed to Junkyu.

The universe must love me.

Today is the last day of our trip. The parents are joining us for breakfasts today.

"Here's your pancakes. And I made them as a shape of a unicorn." Jeongwoo says smiling.

"Don't make me kill you early in the morning." I smile.

Jeongwoo nods.

"Morning." Junkyu says sitting down next to me.

"Morning..." I mutter blushing.

"We leave at 12 later so make sure to pack your things." Headmaster says.

We continue eating. But I see Uncle Jeongin glance at me a few times. That's kinda weird. Do I have something on my face?


Dinner ended and I was reading my book while the others were swimming.

"Hey Noona." I hear.

"Hey Doyoung. Need something?" I smile.

"Oh nothing just wanted to know if you're ok from well last night." Doyoung smiles.

I sigh.

" much did I embarrass myself last night?" I ask.

"Not too much but I must say you can be a really good hairstyles." Doyoung laughs.

I remember I messed up his hair last night. I swear I was crazy last night..

"Junkyu Hyung seems very happy today. Did he finally confess to you?" Doyoung says jokingly.

I smile nervously.

"Oh so he did. Wow. The dude has more balls than I thought." Doyoung says.

"Yeah....I may have confessed while drunk." I say.

"Now that's a story to tell to your children." He says.

I smack him. This guy he's just like his brother.

"Ok but just know Noona, my brother is a really great guy. He can be weird sometimes but trust me he's good." Doyoung says.

I smile.

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