Chapter 1

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I put the last bit of clothes in my suitcase.

"Have you finished packing?" Miss Lee ask.

"Yes ma'am." I tell her.

"The driver will be here tomorrow at 7am to pick you up and drop you to your school." Miss Lee finishes and leaves my room.

I'm leaving this orphanage tomorrow. Apparently I have to since I have Supernatural powers. This Headmaster and his wife came saying I will be going to this Esville Academy now.

I don't have any parents. I was found in a box in the streets then here I am. No family wants to adopt me since I well "seem odd." I can't blame them. I don't really talk to people here aside from the caregivers and Brian.

"Noona!" I hear Brian coming I my room.

I smile.

"Hey buddy." I greet him.

"I have news!" Brian says happy.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I'm getting adopted..." he says.

"That's amazing!!" I hug him.

"Yeah it's a family in Canada. They're really nice and I'm excited Noona!" Brian says.

"I'm happy for you." I smile.

"Are you leaving tomorrow Noona?" Brian ask me.

"Yes, to the academy. I'll be going and living there now." I say not so excited.

"I'll miss you." Brian frowns.

"Hey don't worry we'll see each other again. And you should be happy that you'll finally have a family." I pat his cheeks.

"You too Noona. You never know maybe you'll make great friends there at the academy." Brian tells me.

I nod..

Yeah I don't know about that..

I'm a witch and werewolf. I found out about my Supernaturals when I was 8 years old.

No family and even abnormal.

Life really has its ways around me.

Brian leaves soon then I turn off my lamp and drift to sleep.

Tomorrow I'll be starting a new life .....I guess.


Junkyu was playing his video games in his room.

He hears a knock.

"Come in!" He yells.

His mom and dad come in.

His mom is a professor at Esville Academy, her names Kim Jisoo. While his dad is the Headmaster, Kim Seokjin

"Hey sweetie!" His mom greets.

"Hey Mom." Junkyu greets his mom while not taking his eyes off his computer.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" His dad ask.

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