Chapter 25

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I run. I run while tears rolling down my eyes.

I ran until I didn't know where I was.

I sit down on the ground sobbing.

My parents are alive? How? Why?

I don't know what to feel. This feels so sudden. It's like my life took a major turn.

What am I going to do?

I just sob.

I don't know why but it just hurts. This whole time the people I've longed for my whole life were right in front of me?

I feel someone put my head on their shoulder.

I look up.

"Just cry....just cry Ashley." Junkyu says.

I did what he told me. I cried.

Junkyu just rubs my shoulder.

We go silent.

"They must be looking for me..." I say.

He looks at me.

"It's just so sudden. They're my birth parents? This whole time it was them?" I say.

"Are you going to accept them?" Junkyu ask.

I look at him.

Accept them? It's not like they wanted to leave me. I know their daughter went missing because of a fire. But I happen to be that daughter.

"I just don't know." I say.

"You asked me how does it feel." Junkyu says.

I look at him confused.

"You asked me how does it feel to have a family....Ashley this is your chance to know that feeling." Junkyu says looking at me.

"I'm scared Junkyu..." I say sobbing again.

Junkyu pulls me to his chest.

"I'm right here. I'll be right here so you don't feel scared." Junkyu told me.

I'm so thankful to have someone like him. We've only been dating for a few weeks but it's like we've been together our whole lives.

"Thank you...." I tell him.

"For what?" Junkyu says.

"For being there." I smile.

Me and Junkyu head back to the academy.

We go in the office where everyone was.

Everyone looks at us.

I hold Junkyus hand. Hold it tightly.

I look at him. He nods.

"Ashley?" Auntie Chae says.

"Uh....let's say I am your missing daughter but I just want to make sure so there isn't any mistake. So I was wondering if it's ok to have a DNA test?" I ask.

Uncle Jimin and Auntie Chae  look at each other.

"We'll support whatever you want Ashley...." Uncle Jimin says.

Auntie Chae just stares at me.

"You two should probably head to bed." Auntie Jisoo says.

Me and Junkyu nod and head to our rooms.

I pull Junkyu into a hug.

Junkyu chuckles.

"Goodnight?" Junkyu ask.

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