Chapter 4

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God it's great to be back to this academy after so long.

Can't believe my members have kids now.

I smile sadly.

"Hey Chae let's go and prepare the food now!" Lisa say I go join them.

"So how's everyone doing lately?" Jisoo ask.

"Well my clothing line has been going great. I'm planning to launch a new line soon. Tae is also working on some business in Spain. But I'm just happy to see my son." Jennie explains.

Yeah even V and Jennie have a child. His names Huening Kai.

He's a very good looking kid.

Although him and Yuna who is Lisa and Jungkooks daughter also bicker.

Just like Lisa and Jungkook before.

"Same with me! I'm happy because I'm able to be the Doctor for the school. Do you know how much I wanted that! And I get to see Yuna more now." Lisa explains.

Me and my members smile.

"As of for me, it's really great being here at the academy. My two sons are also great. Although Doyoung has been acting very cute lately which I don't know if I should be concerned." Jisoo laughs.

"I'm sure it's the cute phase Jin oppas teaching him. Remember when Junkyu had that phase? God he was cute!" Jennie says.

"Junkyu is still cute though!" Lisa adds.

We all laugh.

My members turn to me and give me a smile.

"Life's good for me and Jimin. He's been working on his business and me I've been doing really well with teaching." I reply.

"Any news about Chaemin......?"Lisa carefully ask.


"No." I say.

Chaemins my daughter . There was a fire at our old house. Jimin and me tried saving her but the fire was too strong in her room.

I still have hope she's alive because there was no body found.

"Namjoon oppa and Jeongin have been trying their best to search but there's not much progress even after.....18 years." I trial off.

"Chae it's ok...I'm sorry to say this........but maybe it's time to accept the fact Chaemins dead." Jennie Unnie tells me.

" long will you keep holding on?" Jisoo ask me sad.

"She's not dead. I know it. As long as there was no body found I'll still have  hope..." I tell them.

"How's Jimin taking this?" Jisoo unnie ask.

You may think why not try having another. Well after Chaemin was born Doctor said I wasn't able to conceive. We've tried everything but nothing.

"I'm not sure......even he's losing hope. In fact I brought up divorcing once to him. But he highly disagreed...." I explain.

"Chae why would you bring that up??!!" MJisoo unnie ask me.

I cry.

"Because I see how he looks at Junkyu, Doyoung, Huening Kai, Yeji, and Yuna.....I see it.......and it breaks my heart that he can't have a child himself to look at like that......because I can't even give him a fucking family!!" I say in between sobs.

My members hug him tightly while I sob.

"He wants a family I know he does and I do too! But I can't give him that............that's why I'm so desperate to find Chaemin...." I continue to sob.

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