Chapter 8

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I was walking in town with Sunghoon to go get some art supplies.

"This should be the store. Let's go?" Sunghoon ask.

I nod and we enter the art store.

"Hey Hyung!" Sunghoon greets the owner.

"Hey Sunghoon! Who may you have here?" The owner ask.

"Oh this is Ashley. She's the new student." Sunghoon motions to me.

I bow.

"Ah! I'm Sejeong! It's nice to meet you!" He says.

"It's nice to meet you two!" I smile.

Me and Sunghoon proceeded to look for supplies while he holds the basket.

I look through shelves.

"Ash?" Sunghoon calls.

I hum.

"If you were to have a date how would you want it be?" Sunghoon ask.

I pause.

I think.

I've never really been to one.

"Uh well. I would like something simple but depends on the girl. Why any special someone?" I tease.

Sunghoon smiles.

"That's a secret but I'll take note of what you said." Sunghoon chuckles.

"Hey! I tell you a lot of things!" I whine.

"I'll tell you soon." Sunghoon says.


I got back to the academy.

Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?

I think.


I gasp.

I run to the library.

I almost forgot.

I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry Mrs.Park!!" I say helping her up.

"It's ok." Mrs.Park chuckles.

"Are you in a rush?" She ask me.

"Yeah, is Junkyu still in the library?" I ask her.

"I think so, he's been waiting there for a long time." Mrs.Park explains.


I say bye to her and go in the library.

I find Junkyu sitting down reading.

How could I forget?

"Sorry I'm late." I say sitting down.

"It's ok." Junkyu says not looking at me.

I look at him.

"Do you still need help?" I ask him.

"No, you should go to bed. You must be tired from helping Sunghoon." Junkyu says.

"Ok.....goodnight." I say standing up.

I was waiting for a reply but didn't.

I just left.

He's definitely never talking to me again.

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