Chapter 2

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I hear my alarm. I turn it off and get up from bed.

I look over at my left. Guess my roommate is an early bird.

I put on my uniform.

It's the first time for me to be wearing a uniform since I was basically home schooled my whole life.

I mainly only know my knowledge from reading books.

Yes I'm a bookworm.

I finish putting my tie and grab my bag.

Guess we're heading to breakfast.

I walk down the halls to the cafeteria and find stares at me.

I shrug it off and just put my usual poker face.

I kind of have this resting bitch face if you know what I mean.

Omg is that the new student?

I heard she's a hybrid

She's actually pretty

She's hot!

She looks kinda scary

I hear whispers as I get my breakfast.

I find an empty table and sit on it. I still feel stares at me.

Well that ain't stopping me from eating.

I enjoy my breakfast while reading my book.


I was eating breakfast with my friends.

"Yah Jeongwoo!" Doyoung hits Jeongwoo who was still asleep.

"Huh???" Jeongwoo ask.

"You fell asleep. Your breakfast will get cold." Haruto tells him.

"What time did you sleep last night?" I ask.

"Like 3am? I was too busy with homework." Jeongwoo says.

"Yeah sure if you consider video games homework." Doyoung rolls his eyes.

"Hey!" Jeongwoo whines.

We suddenly hear whispers and I see people pointing at something..

"What is everyone pointing at?" Haruto ask.

I look it was Ashley they were talking about.

Ashley doesn't seem like she cared and just sat down not caring.

"Oh so she's the new girl?" Jeongwoo ask..

"Hyung isn't she your new roommate?" Haruto ask.

I nod.

"What is she like?" Doyoung ask.

"She's actually pretty quiet. She doesn't really talk much." I shrug.

"Guess she's probably still getting used to the new environment." Haruto says.

"Yeah...." I mutter while glancing at Ashley quietly reading her book by herself.

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