Chapter 9

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I sigh so hard.

This is so stressful!

"Jeongwoo can you please place the banner a bit higher!" I yell and he nods.

"Huening Kai make sure you guys secure the stage lights!" I yell at the stage crew.

"Make sure the balloons are all in different booths and tents!" I yell at the balloon team.

I look at my clipboard.

Being President is nice and all but stressful. How did dad do this?

"Hey Junkyu the pastries aren't enough for the carnival." A girl tells me.

Oh god.

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods.

"I can help bake!" I hear a voice.

"Oh Auntie Tzuyu!" I hug her.

"You seem very stressed. No worries I'll help bake." Auntie Tzuyu says while walking with the girl.

Thank god I have such nice Aunties!

Ok what else do we need?

"Hey Kyu we got the tomato's!" I hear.

I turn and it was Ashley with the others carrying boxes of tomatoes.

I smile and check that off my list.

I look.

"No! That's not supposed to be there!" I run to the center piece.

They look at me.

"It should be on the stage where everyone can see. So please put it there." I say and they nod moving it.

Calm down Junkyu.

I've never said this but being the Headmasters son and a tribrid is very pressuring.

Since my dad always planned the best carnivals I have to live up to the expectations. It's never easy for me.

I really wonder why am I even doing this. To make my parents proud. They are such well known people in not only at the academy but town.

My dad said I'm fit to be a leader.


Little Junkyu was looking at a painting.

"Dad who's that?" I ask while looking at a painting of a man.

My dad looks at it.

"He's a very important person in all of our lives. He was there with us through everything. All the battles and hardships.......he's the reason why I became a headmaster today." My dad says while looking at me.

"I want to be just like him!" Junkyu smiles.

End of Flashback

I feel a pat on my shoulder.

"Ashley?" I ask.

"Here." She pass me a bottle of water. I take it and drink.

"Are you doing ok?" Ashley ask me.

She's so cute.

Snap out of it!

"Junkyu?" Ashley calls again.

"Huh? Oh! I'm ok!" I smile.

She nods.

"You're doing a really great job! I'm proud of you!" Ashley smiles.

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