Shifting and Dreaming

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Disclaimer: This little piece of writing isn't meant to insult anyone or their beliefs, I'm just trying to understand shifting and give my theory on what I think it might be. I am not a scientist and I'm not saying that beliefs different than mine are bad, invalid, or even wrong, they are just different. Hope you find this interesting.

A little heads up...

Let's just say I'm not the best writer in the world and I find it can be hard to consolidate my thoughts but I wanted to put this out there because... why not. The segues aren't the best and at times things just really don't relate, my brain ain't organized so it tends to translates into my writing, sorry. I hope you continue to read this, just wanted to let ya know:)


Shifting has recently become very popular on TikTok and I think the idea of shifting is really interesting and cool. I thought I would share my thoughts on shifting along with starting a little journal on my experience trying to shifting and the information on shifting I gather on the way.

Shifting is basically jumping from your reality to others usually of your choosing, but I believe shifting is something else entirely. I believe shifting is the changing from a conscious mind state to a controlled dream state, sort of like lucid dreaming, the difference being shifting has a shorter transition time via the shifting methods. I have no real scientific evidence to back it up and I haven't even shifted myself, but I wanted to put this idea out here because I thought it was interesting, and maybe someone could even expand on it. If this theory were to be true, having the power to enter a controlled dream state would be amazing and open up so many possibilities.


There is not much research on dreams, what they are, how they work, and what their purpose is if any, but there are theories and the one I tend to agree with is that dreams are the brain "working through" events and moments, that's why dreams closely resemble life and can even mimic the events of the day. By dreaming the brain is allowed to make connections and sort info, for example, dreams could help you sort events into long term or short term memory, that's why you never pull an all-nighter before a test, because yes your taking in information, but your brain hasn't had time to process and fully store that info. Dreams allow us to do things we can't when awake. When we're awake our conscious mind has the wheel and has you focused on certain and tasks and things, but when your dreaming your subconscious, that holds deeper and more "unknown" thoughts, is given a chance to run free, which is why dreams can be so crazy and wacky.

Connection and the Possibilities

Shifting giving us the ability to access both the conscious and subconscious mind would be incredible and would allow us to access information that we believe we don't even think we have. I once heard a story, and I'm not too sure on the specifics, but I believe it was about a chemist who was trying to figure out the structure of a certain molecule and couldn't figure it out all day he thought and thought but couldn't figure it out, so he when he went to bed and he dreamed of a molecule that was a ring of carbons, which amazingly was the structure of the molecule. What's fascinating about that story is not only that he found his answer through his dreams, but that it was his subconscious that gave him the answer, meaning he had all the knowledge he needed to know the structure of that molecule but it took the ability of his subconscious (sleep mind), to coincidentally put things together and reveal the answer this chemist was searching for. We have more information in our head than we know, our brains have the knowledge when we're awake it's just about what our brain can present us, and sleeping changes that. I don't want to speak out of turn but shifting could open doors for new types of therapy that could help with those who are suffering from trauma or even PTSD. Some therapist walks through their patient's traumatic events with them, with the ability to shift (in this case shift meaning a controlled dream state) people would be able to actually go through the events in their mind and dig deep into core emotions, felt in their subconscious, at the times of distress. Shifting could also help with solving crimes when witnesses need to remember something they saw. Shifting could lead to quicker and easier ways to help people and our world. We have information and feelings in our minds that we don't know about, which is exciting and motivates me to have the ability to access it more easily and shifting could allow me and others to do that.


There's so much that can be done with shifting but there is very little research on what it is, mostly just videos and articles about how to shift, which is still very important. I haven't even seen many videos of people explaining their experience actually shifting like what it felt like etc. So if anyone who might be reading this has shifted, leave a comment I'm interested in knowing what it was like, and if you haven't shifted I want your opinion on shifting or any information, questions, or theories you have. As I said in the beginning this little piece of writing isn't meant to insult anyone or their beliefs, I'm just trying to understand shifting and give my theory on what it might be, I'm not saying that beliefs different then mine are bad, invalid, or even wrong, they are just different.

Thank you for reading! I hope y'all will join me on my shifting journey and also this whole "book" journey.

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