Star Light, Star Bright

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I love stars, but I rarely see them, one because, I'm not the kind a person to be taking evening night strolls and two because, the artificial light that pollutes the night hides the stars, but on nights when I get home late I stare up from my drive way to see a sprinkle of stars that seem to always make me want to spin in circles and pretend I'm in a movie. Although I love stars I really only really enjoy one consolation, the Big Dipper. I can see the Big Dipper when I look directly up from my drive way, and it makes me feel special and important that I can even pick out one consolation, a beautiful, big consultation. The Big Dipper was the first consolation I ever heard of and the first consolation I ever spotted, which makes me feel very close to it. I think what intrigues me about the stars is that some stars we see each night are probably dead, and I know I'm sounding like a psycho, but those stars even those they have passed in fiery glory still shine bright for the world to see, they still make beautiful patterns in the sky that have always guided people, they, or rather the light that has yet to reach its final destination, still continues its journey even when its gone. Stars give us hope. I can see the North Star from my bedroom window, sometimes I like to look up at it and wish upon it, which isn't new or revolutionary, and unfortunately it won't solve all my problems, but it helps make me feel not so alone on this path of life. Star Light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. - Berenstain Bears. Stars, like us, are born, live, and die eventually, and during that life they have the ability to shine bright, and even when they're gone they continue to guide and uplift people with just a bit of their beautiful light.

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