"Spooky" Story

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There was a little town in Wisconsin. Nothing bad ever happened there except for the disappearance of the Millers' daughter. That fateful November afternoon in 1960 they had told police, in their fit of tears, that they were just about to head to the park when they discovered that she was not in her room, nor anywhere in the house. Police searched for her around the town for weeks but to no avail, the case was closed, and life in town went on.
It had been fifteen years since the incident, and Mrs. and Mr. Miller still occupied the small house on the edge of town.

"Honey would you like some coffee this morning?" Mrs. Miller called from downstairs.

"Sure honey, cream and sugar please."

Mrs. Miller smiled and turned as she walked to the coffee machine and turned it on, having prepared the coffee machine long before she had gotten her answer from Mr. Miller. After a few minutes, Mrs. Miller came back to the kitchen and to her surprise there was coffee everywhere sinking into the cracked floor to form eerie black veins. Shaking herself out of her shock, she ran to unplug the coffee maker, which stopped the spread of the coffee.
"What a mess. Honey can you please come down here, the coffee machine made such a mess!" After a few moments of silence Mrs. Miller called up to her husband again, "Honey you better not be asleep again!" But still only the silence in response.
Mrs. Miller made her way up the stairs into the dark upstairs hallway. To her surprise when she flipped the light switch the lights did not fill the hallway. She flipped the switch over and over but the lights did not change from their darkened state. Taking a breath she walked further down the hallway, stopping in horror as she reached the door of their bedroom. There in a bloody pile on the floor were the remains of Mr. Miller, his face distorted to give him a sickening smile. Mrs. Miller turned, ran down the stairs and towards the front door screaming, knowing that Mr. Miller's killer was looming. As she clasped the door handle and tried to open it she realized it was locked and her frantic shaking of the handle wasn't helping. The back door, she thought. She ran across the room and as she reached the locked door her feet were knocked out from under her, making her crash to the floor. Her screams filled the house as she looked down and saw her legs bending the wrong way. Tears streamed down her face, blurring her eyes as shadows dotted the room. "Please get out, I have nothing to give, I'm just a simple woman."

Whispers caught her ear and she couldn't place where they were coming from, "Hi mommy."

Her head jerked towards the left which made her head start to hurt with the sudden motion. The whispers got louder and seemed to fill the small house with their spine-chilling presence.

"Can we go to the park now?" one of the whispers cooed.

In a crazed panic Mrs. Miller maneuvered her way to the kitchen, just a few feet away. She dragged her legs as she used her hands to move, crying as the pain in her legs intensified. As she leaned against the drawers lining the kitchen wall she reached up to the knife drawer and pulled a shiny knife out. Holding it in front of her she called out, "whoever you are...leave!"and in a quieter tone "...please."

The whispers hushed for only long enough for the child's voice to say, "Mommy it's me."

"No, no, it can't be, my, um, my daughter is gone."

"But mother I'm right here."

Mrs. Miller shook her head which made her tears fly off her cheeks, new ones taking their place.

"Mama why don't you believe me, I just want a hug."

The whispers got louder and the pain in her legs became stronger, causing her head to hurt. More tears flowed and her vision became more and more cloudy. Mrs. Miller couldn't think. It felt as though she was on the edge of death.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy! Why don't you believe me!"

"Because I killed you!"

Silence rained down on the house, the pain in Mrs. Miller's head settled and she sighed, opening her eyes, only to see the silhouette of a little girl with piercing yellow eyes as the figure turned their head, and ran toward her.
It was said that everyone in town could hear the screams that came from the Miller residence. Not even the fact the house was on the edge of the town could stop people from hearing the pain and terror that poisoned her screams. By the time the police got there nothing seemed to be different except there was a note hanging on the front door that read: Went out to the park with our daughter, be back soon.

THE WORLD IS SHIT...so I'll be over here writingWhere stories live. Discover now