How do they decorate their house for christmas?

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I'm adding Dabi x Burnin but that's really just Pluto and Moe being mom and chunky son and Dabi isn't really in it.


They make their home look really pretty, mainly using blue and white. Like, the tree outside the house is covered in lights and LED.


They make their house look like a Gingerbread tree. The twins find it hilarious because they do it every single year and when they started helping they got kicked off decoration duty.


They just decorate their house with the Christmas tree, family pictures in the snow, and a few extra decorations. They aren't big on the outside decorations and the most they'll do is a reef and like maybe a few lights in the bushes.


They go all out and Mei is serious as well. They'll light the entire house up.


Nothing lmao. All they do is like, a reef. Nothing else. They have a tiny Christmas tree in their room.

Dabi x Toga

They don't decorate at all. They celebrate but don't decorate.


They can all fly so they go all out- Like, extra as hell. They go for the yellow lights instead of LED car lights as my mother and I call them. Something like this

 Something like this

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They don't decorate that much :/. They'll decorate the inside but that's really it.


They live in one of those more modern homes so it's kinda hard to decorate outside. The most they'll do is the inside of the house. Maybe a Christmas tree in the living room, a small tree in each bedroom, garland for their fireplace, and stuff like that. They don't do much on the outside but inside? They go all out.

They live in something like this,

They live in something like this,

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Or this

(Not the exact home, I just haven't decided if I want them to be humble and live in a family home, or be extra af and live in an architectural home

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(Not the exact home, I just haven't decided if I want them to be humble and live in a family home, or be extra af and live in an architectural home.)


Not big on Christmas at all.


They go all out. They'll fight over the colors of the ornaments lmao.


They aren't that big on Christmas and pay more attention to celebrating than decorating. They'll have a Christmas tree and a reef for the door but that's it.


They travel through Japan cuz his siblings are all in the foster system and he wants to talk with them for the holidays. Sometimes they'll just meet up in one area, other times some foster families can't travel so he travels to see them and Tati doesn't care cuz she thinks his siblings are precious.


They celebrate with friends, don't decorate. All they have is a tree and then they go visit the Kamiharas or something cuz they're crazy when it comes to christmas. Especially since Nejire is basically adopted by them and Ryuko and Nejire love Christmas-


They don't like winter too much. lol. She stays inside during Christmas parties with 1-A and helps cook because of the cold. They decorate their entire house tho. Outside and inside. They decorate during October just because it's funny to them and so she doesn't faint from the cold.


They don't really do it. Like they get gifts for each other but that's honestly it.


They decorate their penthouse but not the outside cuz it's kinda hard. They decorate the radio station and all, even have a Morp with the staff (it's a Radio rebel joke).

Burnin x Dabi

Pluto doesn't know what he's doing so Moe helps him put ornaments up. She decorates the house the most she can and she loves chunky son. Roman comes over and helps tho.

Oh and, both Dove and Pluto have the nickname squirrel. This is why

 This is why

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That's it.

Awase x Ibara

Theyre pretty religious and take it very seriously. They have family pictures up, displays of baby Jesus, they decorated the tree, Ibara starts shouting if anything gets messed up cuz she takes it very seriously.

Ragdoll x Tensei


It's Ragdoll, she got those multicolored lights and made everything bright.

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