| 𝐕𝐔𝐋𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐀 | 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢𝘩'𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦 (*TW)

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TW: torture/graphic content, mention of r*pe

Known as 'the fox', the constellation of Vulpecula depicts a fox with a goose in its mouth

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Known as 'the fox', the constellation of Vulpecula depicts a fox with a goose in its mouth. It is said that the fox was bringing it to Cerberus, guard dog of the Underworld.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


Yaxley shouted in surprise as his wand flew out of his hands. Hannah dove swiftly for it, swooping it off the floor before falling back to Draco's side.

"What are you doing, boy!" Yaxley growled, wringing his wrist.

"You raped her," he accused, his voice shaking with anger. "Tossed her back into the cellar, like she was nothing but a piece of meat!"

At Yaxley's puzzled expression, an uncontrollable rage overcame him. "You don't have any idea who I'm even talking about, do you, Yaxley?"

As soon as the name left his lips, Hannah seemed struck by a moment of realisation. He didn't see her wand slash the air, but Yaxley was blown off his feet, landing on the ground with a sickening thud.

She walked over, her steps measured and paced. Yaxley was choking inaudibly and clawing at his throat.

Standing over him, her head tilted in consideration for a moment. Then she pointed her wand and muttered under her breath: "Crucio."

His body contorted, his screams muted by the unspoken jinx Hannah had placed, like pressing the button on Angel's telly.

With another flick of her wand, and Yaxley's pants came undone, tearing off his legs and leaving his bottom half naked. She knelt down beside him and pressed her wand to his forehead. "So small, Yaxley," she pouted. "Is that why you take girls by force? Gotta' make sure it still works, hmm?"

Her wand tip trailed down his neck and chest to his stomach, before coming to rest at his groin. "Let's test it together, shall we? Crucio."

The Death Eater's mouth gaped in a soundless scream, his eyes bulging with effort. At this point his face had turned purple, and Draco thought his head might have exploded.

"Does this feel good, Yaxley?" Hannah taunted sweetly, her wand digging into the bare flesh. "How many women before her? Two? Five? Twenty?" Yaxley sneered at her through his pain.

"Crucio," she said again. Simply, as if it were part of a casual conversation.

"How does it feel to be powerless and in pain, you sick, twisted bastard?" Her voice was thick poison as she drove the wand tip deeper still, almost puncturing his skin. "Are you enjoying it? Because I'm getting quite a fair bit of pleasure from this."

Yaxley's body twitched like a worm in a bird's beak. He locked eyes with Draco in a silent plea for help.

Draco knew how much it hurt. He had seen people tortured into insanity too many times back at the Manor. He had heard their screams of agony, seen their bodies being dragged away to be dumped into the forest.

He thought of the pain Angel endured under this very curse, her screams and cries; Yaxley's rough, calloused hands touching her everywhere; the haunted look in her eyes after, in the cellar. And he felt nothing for the spasming figure at his feet.

In a word, Hannah lifted the strangling curse. Yaxley gasped loudly, sputtering for breath as if he had almost been drowned. "You'll regret this, you fucking bitch!" he spat.

She merely looked down at him. "I might," she sighed in mock remorse. "But I guess you'll never know. Because I'm that fucking bitch who's going to kill you."

Yaxley glared at her as he took in her words. Hunkering down lower, she leaned in close to his ear. "Burn in hell."

She rose to her feet slowly, biding her time. Then, aiming her wand at his exposed member, spoke calmly.



As they watched the immolation of Yaxley's body, his screams were drowned out by a sudden sharp and painful ringing in his ears. Hannah seemed affected too, clamping her hands to the sides of her head.

"You have fought valiantly...but in vain..." Voldemort's voice came strained and raspy, filling every crevice of the castle. Yet, he knew it was only in their minds.

"I do not wish this... Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity... Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you... On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every... last... man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me..."

The ringing subsided, and they exchanged stares, looking at each other differently now, with a mutual respect.

"Come on," Hannah said, stepping over Greyback's broken head. "We need to get back to the others."



Susan and Ernie had come into the Great Hall first, and relief flooded her as she hugged her friends, but no one had seen Draco or Hannah.

She had wanted to go and look for them, but was promptly stopped by Cedric and Cormac, who were stationed at the entrance as guards. You don't have a wand, they reminded her. She had huffed and pleaded, but they were adamant she stay inside.

Helpless, she busied herself by making and handing out mugs of tea to everyone. They asked her about Draco, talking about the powerful Patronus he casted. Their faces gleamed with newfound awe and respect for the Slytherin prince. Your boyfriend, they said. How did he do it? She just smiled and shrugged, trying to push her worry aside.

Then Hermoine and Ron came in and said the words they were all dreading to hear. Harry has gone to the Forbidden Forest. He's given himself up.

The Hall was abuzz. What now? No way Harry would sacrifice himself to Voldemort, surely! He was the Chosen One, christened at birth to overpower and stop the Dark Lord once and for all. It was his destiny. Everyone knew that!

It was at the crack of dawn when Draco and Hannah finally stepped through the door, two bright blonds bobbing amongst a sea of dirtied heads. She flung herself upon them, kissing their cheeks, thanking Merlin they were unharmed, before Neville interrupted them.

"They're coming back," he announced. "Luna saw them headed this way from the Forest. Hagrid's with them, and he's... he's carrying someone."

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