| 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐉𝐎𝐑 | 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥

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Canis Major represents the hunter Orion's dog. It pursues Lepus, the hare, or can be depicted as helping Orion fight the bull, Taurus. It can also be associated with Laelaps, a dog famed for its speed, gifted to Europa by Zeus.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


It started storming by the time he reappeared outside the mansion. The wetness seeped through his jacket immediately and he felt his hair coming undone.

Yaxley and Greyback stood at the gate, eyeing him suspiciously, but he didn't care. He'd just spent the most wonderful few hours with Angel, and nothing, not the rain, or even the sight of those foul beings could dampen his mood.

It was like someone had injected him with a bottle of Felix Felicis. He felt like he could do absolutely anything in the world right now. She'd been there, in the flesh. He got to touch her and hold her again, hear her voice, and Merlin, her warm and comforting scent. Things he'd never thought he'd feel again.

Euphoria threatened to overspill with a smile, and he struggled to keep his face straight as he strode up to the house, making sure to look at both of them in the eye as he passed.

Confidently, he flung open the doors. About a dozen death eaters turned to look at him. His mother stood with them, and her eyes followed him as he trudged up the stairs back to his room, unfazed.

Blackbeard stood on his perch in the corner, rasping a greeting when he entered. He'd just shrugged off his soaking jacket when someone knocked on the door. He rolled his eyes, completely expecting this, and chose to wait as his mother opened the door anyway.

"Where were you?"

He began unbuttoning his shirt, his back towards her. "A walk."

"A walk that took the entirety of last night and today?"


"Draco... if you've been-"

"No. I haven't," he interrupted, whipping around to glare at her. "Are we finished?"

Narcissa narrowed her eyes, studying his expression. She was looking for any hints of his activities, but he knew not to let his face betray him. They'd trained him well.

"Downstairs. Twenty minutes. You'll want to come for this one."

"Can't wait," his lips curled up in a sneer.

Narcissa blinked at him, deadpan. With the flick of her wand, the door slammed behind her.

The rain pattered heavily against the window and he leaned on the glass, focusing on the individual droplets sliding lazily down.

Blackbeard cawed again and fluffed his wings. The nerve! He seemed to say.

"You're a lucky bastard, Blackbeard," Draco said as he went to stroke the bird's head. "Do you know what's happening? Haven't the faintest, do you?"


The table was fully seated by the time he showered and came downstairs, save for the empty next to his mother, and the tallest one at the head.

The sight of the cloaked figures made him sick. And scared. There was no telling who the Dark Lord was going to pick on today, if someone has failed, or messed up something. Or maybe he would just simply choose someone's face to despise.

Carefully, he sat down and tried to look as solemn as possible.

A loud crack shocked the room, and even Greyback jumping. There he stood, staring at the room through slits, like a snake eyeing a mouse, as he made his way to his seat.

"My- my Lord," his father piped up. "We have the Lovegood girl. Potter is, undoubtedly, being led straight to Xenophilius."

Luna. They've got Luna. And she was here at Malfoy Manor, right under his nose. Draco swallowed, focusing on keeping his heartbeat steady. As good as he was at Occlumency, Voldemort's senses were second to none. That monster could hear a lie being spoken at the other end of the world.

An evil grin broke across Voldemort's lips as he took his seat. "Perfect." His drawl was soft and almost friendly.

"We- we won't fail you, m-my lord." Lucius was leaning forward, afraid but still eager to please. He looked so tense it was as if he would shatter at the slightest touch.

Voldemort twirled Lucius's wand in his fingers idly. "And... assuming he doesn't turn Potter in?"

"I suppose we can spare a bit of his daughter to bury," Travers piped up and the the table chortled unanimously. Bellatrix looked particularly pleased, and Yaxley had never smiled so big.

Amidst the excitement, dread weighed on him like an anchor tied to his legs as he drowned. Narcissa's eyes drifted towards him, and he clenched his jaw, feigning indifference.



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The raven's eyes glinted in the darkness. No, it seemed to say.

"Well, I've got another job for you," said Draco.

It croaked in agreement and readiness, half spreading its wings as if already prepared to take off.

He moved to his desk and found a slip of spare parchment.

They've got Moon. They're going to kill her. We need to get her out. I have a plan, if you would help me. Meet me at the Thestral pond two nights from now, 11pm.

And after that, forget everything I said before. Let's do it. Let's go where nobody can find us. And if they do, we'll run. I'll run forever if only it's with you.

He pressed his lips against the bird's head. "Angel Dawson." His whisper was so soft he wasn't sure if he'd even said it out loud, but the raven spread its wings. He cracked the window open and the bird disappeared into the slate of rain.

𝐎𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐬 {𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now