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NOTE: slightly long chapter ahead because they have a few interactions in their first year ☺️


Dear Mum and Dad,

So I've been sorted into Hufflepuff House. I'm writing to you from our common room now. You'll like it, Dad. It's very cosy! Professor Sprout is our Head of House. She teaches us Herbology too. 

Classes are fun. We have Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, and Astronomy. But you already know Herbology and Astronomy are my favourite, of course!

The castle is humongous, and my friends Hannah , Susan, and I explore it over the weekends because we can't go to Hogsmeade yet. We've made friends with Harry Potter too! Everybody is really nice and we all get along. Maybe not so much with the Slytherins, but they don't seem interested anyway.

How have you been? Mum hasn't been too weepy, I hope! Dad, draw me the star map from back home. I've drawn Hogwarts's at the bottom of this letter. Hope to hear from you soon.

Kisses and misses!


Dear Angel,

We're so glad you're having fun, love! And also learning lots of new things, we hope. It's dad writing here, but mum is right beside me. She has been doing a bit of crying, but only because she misses you. We both do!

Things have been terribly boring back home without you, unfortunately. Mum's got no one to cook for except me, and she isn't as fond of stargazing as you are. I'm still doing it every night (almost), but it certainly feels different! 

Does Dumbledore allow sweets, or do you just have to make do without your silly jellybeans? Anywho, we've sent some for you to share with your friends. It should come together with this letter. Once you are able to go to Hogsmeade, we'll send you some more money and you can buy your own, then!

Pay attention in lessons and don't go getting yourself in any sort of trouble, alright? We love and miss you very much!

P.S. The past few nights have been cloudy so no star map for you, sorry dear.

Kisses and misses,
Dad & Mum


Angel could barely contain her excitement as she scanned the courtyard for her friends. Hannah, and Susan stood at the far corner together with Ernie Macmillan and Zacharias Smith.

"Look, guys", she called, running up to them and opening the bag to reveal its contents. The girls squealed with delight.

"Blimey, Angel! Where'd you get these?" Ernie asked her.

"My parents sent them. I think there's just enough to split it evenly between the six of us!"

"What have you got there?" A voice interrupted their excited chatter, and they turned in unison. Draco Malfoy stalked up to them, Crabbe and Goyle bumbling behind. Hannah stepped in front of Angel and folded her arms. "Why?"

"Because I asked, that's why," Draco spat, trying to see what or who Hannah was blocking him from. His steely eyes took in every member of the Hufflepuff group.

Angel peeped out from behind Hannah. "It's alright, Hannah. There's plenty to go around." She started to hold out the bag towards Draco, but Hannah dug her elbow into her ribs, hard. "Not for him, there isn't! We're Hufflepuffs, not pushovers, Draco. Get that into your thick head, or does all that white hair keep anything from going in or out?"

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