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Earla's room was much nicer than Kamiro's storage closet with a bed. It was more appropriate to describe it as a suite, and it had ample space for small gatherings. Even in the Academy, those from renowned families had their perks.

A week had passed since the group arrived back at Lucerna Guild Academy. After a few days of questioning from the headmasters, Fleur had officially become a student and Adventurer, along with being the newest member of the Rank-less Party.


The group clacked their wooded mugs together and chugged down their drinks as if they were beers. In the Kingdom of Faro, one attained legal adulthood at 15, but, apparently, the drinking age wasn't until 16, and since Fleur was a year short, the group would've felt bad to exclude her. So non-alcoholic drinks it was. Kamiro also wasn't used to the idea of drinking alcohol at such a young age, so he didn't mind.

"Still can't believe how easy you got through the entrance assessments," Kamiro said while munching on some pastries Earla had prepared.

"It wasn't as bad as you made it out to be," Fleur said.

Ayu and Kamiro's eyes met as she snatched the final cookie he reached toward. Zero sympathy.

"I think it was just you, Kamiro. Most people don't find the assessments so intense," Ayu said.

Kamiro pouted, not from Ayu's comment, but from the cookie.

"But really, a celebration wasn't needed..." Fleur said.

"I heard from Mr. Di Reids that you passed with top results. Definitely a cause for celebration," Earla said.

"Still, all of this is a bit too much, and considering that I messed up the quest..."

"I can't believe they considered the quest failed." Ayu sighed. "But it's not your fault, Fleur. You were just a victim in all of this."

"'Any incomplete quest is considered failed.'" Kamiro imitated in a mocking voice. "The guild can be really stingy when it wants to, huh?"

"They are really by the book when it comes to lower-ranked quests, mostly if it is student Adventures completing them," Earla said.

"Well, whatever. It's not like our party ranking can get any lower. Wait, you don't think they'd un-rank our party, do you?"

"Of course not." Earla's chuckle didn't seem convincing. "At least, I hope not. Any failed quests are supposed to negatively impact our party ranking, and considering we are only Copper..."

"I'm sorry..." Fleur said.

"Oh, no, please. Do not blame yourself at all. "

"If anything, now that a natural talent like you is with us, it'll make things a lot easier," Kamiro said.

"Leeching off someone as soon as you get the chance, I see," Ayu said.

Kamiro's face showed his annoyance, but Fleur's sudden laugh surprised the whole group.

"You two are always bickering." Her laughter grew. "I can't tell if you're more like newlyweds or siblings."

It's nice to see her smiling now.

The group couldn't help but laugh along.

Later that day, the four made their way to the headmasters' office. They had a meeting with them and were not looking forward to it.

"They could've at least told us a bit of what it is about. We already told them everything we knew about the cult." Ayu said.

It doesn't help that they have that intimidating aura about them.

I Was Kidnapped to Another World and Forced to Become a HeroWhere stories live. Discover now