Ch. 8 - Who Said You Can't Befriend Criminals?

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The sun struggled to shine through an early cloudy morning while a yawn interrupted the group's somber mood.

"Not morning people either, huh? I almost wish I stayed asleep."

The voice came from the back of the carriage, now uncovered. The group remained tense in silence while Kamiro observed the girl inside the cage from behind the carriage.

Who'd guess the cargo we're transporting was a criminal.

Upon the revelation the night prior, no one seemed sure of how to act. The carriage drivers admitted that they were given strict orders about keeping silent that the cargo was a dangerous criminal. Still, even they seemed surprised to learn that this dangerous criminal was a young girl.

Could it really just have been a mistake?

Criminal transport was above the party's ranking, and the whole thing was pretty vague, to begin with.

Well, no point overthinking it now.

Having traveled more than half-way to their destination, the party had decided to continue the quest instead of turning back.

Kamiro's eyes were fixed on the girl. Still, how can this frail-looking girl be such a dangerous criminal? Then again, looks seem to be particularly deceiving in this world.

"Hey, you," Kamiro said.

The girl laid faced away, only her silver hair visible. For a moment, she remained silent before she muttered, "Fleur..."


"Criminals have names too, you know."

"Oh, sorry..." Wait, should I be apologizing to a criminal?

While Kamiro spoke a bit with Fleur, the drivers glanced at each other with an unsure expression.

Ayu turned toward Earla while they overheard them speak behind the carriage. "Is... this okay?"

Earla appeared to be in deep thought until Ayu finally got her attention after calling out to her a couple times.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ayu."

"No, it's fine. I'm just... Is it okay for us to speak to her? I know she's a criminal, but..."

"I... I don't know." Earla stared at the ground while they walked.

No one is sure of anything anymore, this whole situation doesn't feel right, maybe if I can learn even a bit of who this girl is... "Fleur..." Kamiro called out to her. He was momentarily entranced when her crimson eyes locked onto his dark brown.

She squinted. "You're... not from here, are you?"

Kamiro's stride stopped for a split second. "Huh? No, I'm not, I'm... Wait, I'm the one asking questions."

A subtle, sly smile came across Fleur's aloof demeanor. "Oh? Please, go ahead."

Kamiro tried to hide a pout. "That spell you used last night on the bandit, it was dark magic, right?"

Fleur nodded while she laid facing Kamiro with her cheek resting on her hand.

"The guy ran away in a panic. What kind of ability was it?"

"The kind that would make a grown man run away in a panic."

Kamiro sighed.

"If you really want to know, maybe I can show you sometime. But instead of a nightmare, I'll show you the most wonderful dream you'd ever have." A mischievous grin ran across her face.

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