50- The Epilogue

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A/N: don't play the song yet.

3rd's pov:

The detective was inside the questioning room talking to Edwyn.

He said he'd say everything if they assure him that he won't be on deathrow if he confessed and pleaded guilty.

Then he asked if he could be able to confess everything while they were with him. The detective sighed and rubbed his face.

"Fine, I'll go get them." He left the room.

He came back with Yvie and Shylyn and handcuffed their handcuffs to the table.

He sat Shylyn as far as possible from him.

"Ayo, get her to sit next to me-" The detective talks over him. "You said-" He gives him a death glare to shut him up, and he did.

"You said that if we bring them in, you're gonna confess."

Shylyn looked at Edwyn in disbelief.

"What the fuck?! Are you for real?" She looked at her boyfriend. "Yes, but I can explain-" "Fuck you!" She got up and tried to attack him but thankfully, she was far to reach him.

"Hey- let's calm down here..." The detective tried to stop them from fighting as the officer came and held Shylyn back.

"LET ME EXPLAIN." He shouts. "Don't raise your voice here." The detective says. "Sorry." He looked at the detective then back at his girl.

"Do you think we have a future in this gang? Are they gonna help us forever? They're using us for their pleasure. We sell and they take the money. If we ever have kids, do you want them to live how we lived?" Edwyn asks.

"Shylyn, he's right. I've been wanting to leave this gang for a long time but I have no one and nowhere to go to... I think it's time to quit. The three of us can live together and support each other." Yvie said sadness splashed on her face.

"But we will go to jail-" Shylyn almost cried. "We deserve whatever we get." Edwyn cut her off. "I've made a deal with my lawyer about it."

"Are you ready to confess?" The detective sat down in front of them, intertwining his fingers together.

"Yes." He looked to his left, then to his right.

"So when I got out of jail. The head of the gang sent me a message that she wanted someone dead and the killer must be one of us. If we get the job done we'll get money and a clean record. That's all we've ever wanted since we got outta jail." He takes a deep breath. "We all did it together. I planned, Yvie turned the gas on, and Shylyn slit the girl's throat as we were asked to." He says.

"Why was she a target? Was she associated with this gang bullshit?" He asks.

"No, but we know someone who is... Her mother is in a gang and messed with our gang. And we just got the job done like we were asked to." He says, surrendering.

"We just wanna be free and get out of this hell hole. There is no way out... You either get kicked out or killed. These are the only options." Yvie explains.

(A/N: play the song)

bil's pov:

Shylyn's court hearing day...
"My name is Ronald Muffy. I'm the district attorney for the defendant Shylyn Moran." He took a breath and continued.

"My defendant Shylyn Moran pleads not guilty, your honor." Shylyn's lawyer said.

"May the The Gates' lawyer stand up and represent themselves." The judge said.

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