27- Girlfriends?

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chen's pov:

I woke up and kept my eyes closed, thinking everything was a dream. If it was, then I wanna keep dreaming.

I never want it to end.

I opened my eyes to see Billie sleeping peacefully in front of me. I watched in awe as her lips were parted, letting out the lightest snores.

I pecked her nose, then I started kissing her face. "Baby, wake up." I whisper as I see her eyes flutter open. "Good morning." I say and she laughs.

"I literally thought it was a dream and got myself ready to wake up and cry." She laughed. "Me too!" I laughed along.

"I never want this to end." I look at her and she pouts then hugs me. I hug her back and stroke her hair.

"I'm gonna go pee." I get up and walk to the bathroom. We were in our underwear cuz we were too lazy to change last night.

"Billie, I can feel your eyes piercing through my back. Stop staring at my ass." I rolled my eyes.

"You're hot, your ass is hot, you're in your sexy underwear, why can't I stare?" She followed me to the bathroom. I shook my head and giggled.

"I wanna pee first." She said then pushed me out of the door frame. I sat back on the bed, waiting for her to finish.

I covered my body with the duvet as I laid back and scrolled through my phone. I hear a knock then someone opens the door.

That brought my attention and gaze to the door, revealing Steph.

"What made you bail on us last night? We literally looked for y'all everywhere, we also called you and Billie but no one picked up until the third time." Steph said.

Billie walked out of the bathroom and then froze.

Her eyes widened as she saw Steph standing in front of her. She went back in and locked the door.

"Who's here?" He turned around, looking at the bathroom door. "Dude, I'm half naked!" I note out. "Sorry, I didn't even notice, but you're covered up, so who's there?" Steph leaned on the door, trying to eavesdrop.

"Bruv, get out. I wanna change and get some clothes for Billie." I say.

His eyes popped out as his mouth fell to the ground in surprise. Steph started looking around, realizing it was Billie's clothes from last night on the floor.

He left quickly, apologizing.

"You can come out now!" I say as the door was swung open again. "Why didn't you tell me he was here?" Billie asked. "He just came in, how the fuck was I supposed to know?" I reply.

She rolled her eyes and walked to my closet.

-Time Skip-

"Are y'all together yet? Because we're tired of waiting." Max said. "If I got money every time we get asked that I'd be a millionaire." Billie giggled. She looked at me and I looked at her, we both smiled then looked back at him. "We're a thing, I guess." I shrugged.

"FINALLY!" "I'm so fucking happy for y'all!" Steph and Max say at the same time and hug us.

"We're gonna go back to LA in 5 days. Lucky Billie, she gets to stay for as long as she wants." Max complains.

"I'm taking you on a London tour and I'm gonna be your tour guide. Go change." I say. "Let's go change." Max yanks Steph and sprints upstairs to their rooms.

I pulled Billie in a side hug and kissed her.

"This feels right." She said and I pulled away to look at her, but she pulled me back in. "Stay a sec." She looks at me with puppy eyes.

"Okay." I giggled at how cute she looked. "Let's go to the car." I kissed her head and got up.

"Andrew is really cute." I said and she glared at me. "Go be get him then." She pushed me away and stopped walking. "What, I just said that he's cute! I didn't say I was attracted to him." I defended myself. "I'm sure you will have cute babies." She shook her head annoyed.

I groaned in annoyance and rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your fucking eyes when you talk to me!" She says. "'Kay." I replied with an attitude.

"Listen here, little girl. If you talk to me with that fucking attitude again you will get fucked up, got it?" She grabbed my throat and moved me closer to her face, making me whimper and bite my lip.

I felt aroused.

"Y-yes..." I whimper out. "Yes, what?" She tightened her grip on my throat, making me let out a shaky soft moan.

"Yes, mommy." I gave her my bottom doe eyes. She pulled me in for a kiss.

Her lips are so soft. I'm in my car and my friends are coming. I'm begging myself not to make her fuck me right here.

bil's pov:

Then I finally pulled away. "You done with the attitude now?" I looked at her. "Uhm... Y-yeah." She looked away and blushed.

I laughed and put my hand on her thigh. "No, let's not do that." She said, pushing my hand away. "Why not? I thought you liked it." I say.

"I do, but you don't want me to make you fuck me right here, don't you?" She asks me. "No, I don't." I blushed.

"So... Are you officially my girlfriend now?" She adds. "Look who finally decided to come." She says, avoiding my question.

"Let's go, baby, let's fucking GOOO!" I cheered as they were silent. "Billie, we're going on a tour, not a party." Max says with a twisted face. "Let me live, Max." I pulled the word 'live'.

I took the AUX cord and connected it to my phone and started playing random songs I had in my playlist.

A/N: Every kiss begins with- ketamine a hydrochloride tranquilizer used in veterinary practice for the-

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