48- Anniversary In Paris

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bil's pov:

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bil's pov:

January, 16th, 2018...
Paris, France
We're on WORLD TOUR.

Chen is with me this time.

Imean, ME! Billie! On WORLD tour?! this sounds so unbelievable.

I'm still not over how many faces I've seen in the crowd and how many people listen and come to my shows.

I'm happy that I make people feel better.

We walked into the hotel room and we both plopped down on the couch scattering our shit around the living area.

"I just wanna sleep." She whines, yawning. "You get some rest, my jetlagged ass is going to the stage and warm up for tomorrow." I say, getting in the shower.

"Come take a shower with me I don't want the bed to smell like sweat and airplanes." My voice muffled through the glass door. "Fine." She groaned, walking to the bathroom.

-Time Skip-

"Goodnight, baby." I say, kissing her forehead, and stroking her hair. "Goodnight, my love." Her sleepy voice made me smile and blush.

"I still make you blush? You must adore me." She laughs sleepily, making me blush more. "Shut up." I shook my head, standing up.

I walked drownstairs to the room's door and walked out of it.

"Hey, finneas." I wave at him. He stretches, mumbling a weak 'hey'.

"Tired?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He hummed, nodding his head.

Damn, bitch's too lazy to even open his stinky mouth? I laughed lowly at my thoughts.

4 hours later...
I sluggishly walked from the elevator to my room's door. I swiped the card on the lock and pushed the door open.

Chanel •Billie Eilish• (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now