3- New life

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chen's pov:

We are moving out today. I packed my stuff last night and slept in Dave's arms after having a panic attack, I will miss my family, this house, and my old life. My friends, school, and everything else.

I decided to give my mum a chance, because I think everybody deserves second chances.

Mommy never had a job, she relied on daddy. Now she has to find one, I guess. Daddy isn't a jerk he gave us 600 grand so we could settle into this new country. we're taking Goth and Ameen with us.

I walked to Lola's house and rang the bell. Her butler Beaux opened the door and greeted me. "Hey, is Lola here?" I ask him. "In her room, Ms. Gates." He told me.

I thanked him and walked to her room. I opened the door, She was watching Victorious. "Oh, hey, I didn't know you were coming." She stood up and put the TV on mute. I ran into her arms and cried. "Are you okay?" She stroked my hair.

"Lola, I'm leaving." I pull away, crying. "W-what?" She laced her eyebrows. "We're going to America today. I don't want to leave." I held her hands, not being able to control my breath. "Calm down, please. And explain what the fuck is going on." She begs me.


Detailed Panic Attack


I can't breathe. It feels like I'm gonna die. "I- I can't- breathe-" I choke out. "Shit, I don't know what to do! Uhh, try to control it. Chen, please don't pass out on me!" She freaks out. My legs started to get numb and it hurt to stand, she looked around her drawers for something.

"FUCK! The paper bags are in the kitchen- I don't have an inhaler. I hope this works! I learned this on TV, so if you die I'm gonna blame this on Grey's Anatomy." She ran to me while I was on the floor. As she freaked out in the background I was just thinking about how to steady my breathing. The pain in my whole body is stopping me. I sat on the floor and leaned on the wall. every part of my body that was touching any solid object around me hurt like crazy.

"Lola- I can't feel my body! It hurts!" Tears streamed down my face as my head started to feel like it's gonna blow up from the peer pressure. "Look at me. Focus on me." She tries, but failed.

"Fuck! Shit! Imma just do it." She says. She cupped my face and kissed me. I was shocked at first and didn't know how to react. She pulled away, looking at me for approvement. I kissed her back and felt my breathing stable down and slowly my body stopped hurting.

She pulled away and looked into my eyes. "Are you okay?" She asks. "Thank you so much. You saved my fucking life." I hugged her. "We don't thank each other, babes. That's what friends do." She hugs back. "I love you, Lola, I'll see you soon... Maybe..." I tear up again.

"You're my first kiss." She clears her throat. "Same." I said feeling embarrassed. I awkwardly laughed at the weird ass situation. "You're a good kisser." I scratch the back of my head and she looks away from me, blushing. "Uhh, thanks you're not bad yourself." She smiles.

"Anywaaayyyss, If you have a panic attack again Imma leave you to die." Lola says and I laugh. "You bitch." I cry and laugh. She laughed and hugged me. "When will you come back?" She asks. "Lola... I'm moving out." I said slowly and sadly.

"WHAT?! I thought it was a vacation or something! I didn't know you were- How and why?!" She freaks out. "My parents got divorced 'cause my dad's gay." I say. "Woah WOAH. When did all of that happen?! Is this a fever dream?" She asks.

Chanel •Billie Eilish• (rewritten)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum