14- Andrew

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chen's pov:

We were sitting in the cafeteria, eating and gossiping on a Monday morning. I zoned out watching the ceiling.

I could tell something was wrong. I squinted my eyes and leaned forward for better focus.

Do you know that moment when the whole place goes silent and you only hear one sound?

"EVERYBODY GET OUT OF HERE THERE'S A BROKEN WATER PIPE." I yell and no one gave a fuck. I got up with my friends and stood near the cafeteria door and some people listened to me and got outside with us. The ceiling starts getting lower slowly so I get out as fast as possible and stand at the glass door, watching everyone eat and chat.

The ceiling starts dripping and everyone got disgusted as brown dirty water got on their food, clothes, and hair. The pipe explodes in the corner of the cafeteria, leaking black-ish water on the wall. Soon it started flowing everywhere.

Everyone started screaming and running to the cafeteria door where we are standing since it was the only exit.

I ran, everyone ran and in a matter of seconds, the hallways got filled with puke on the floors. It smelled like sewers in here. "What the fuck do they eat? It smells horrible in here." I gagged and ran out of the school to the field.

3 Minutes later...
Now we are standing in the school's field. With everyone covered in dirty water. They need to shower ASAP 'cause it's stinking over here.

"Now what?" Max sighs frustrated. The principal came and stood in front of the clouds of students in the middle of the field with Coach Miller and our school's counselor.

"I'm sorry for what happened today in the cafeteria-" Everyone started booing, Principal Korona cleared his throat. "We need to fix the pipes and check on other pipes for your safety. So, you kids have fun, you have a week off of school! You're dismissed go back home." He smiles and headed back into the school. Everyone cheered then they slowly started to fade away.

I called Ameen to come pick me up. I was waiting in the school's parking lot for him.

A cute guy came up to me. "Sup? Heard you're new here." He said, rubbing his waves. "Yeah, just moved into town." I nodded and held my hand out.

"Chanel, Chen for short." I said, smiling at him. "Nice to meet you, Chanel. Andrew Rodriguez, my friends call me Andy." He smiled back and kissed my hand. "So why is a beautiful girl standing here all alone?" He smirks. I looked down shyly. "Waiting for my driver to pick me up." I check the time on my phone.

"Hey, uhh, Lemme get yo snap if that's okay." He pulls out his phone and hands it to me. I put in my user and follow my account. "I'll text you, see you around!" He winked at me, walking back to his friends.

He's in the school band and he's really hot when he plays the electric guitar. I see him practice in the band room sometimes.

2:30 P.M
September, 5th
Freshly out of the shower. I put some hair products on my hair and sent streaks to Lola then changed and let my hair dry on its own. I facetimed Billie and Lola on Snapchat.


My future & Bff💕

"Hewwo." I said with a childish smile on my face. "Hey, bitch. Oh, who's that?" Lola said. "Hi, I'm Billie." Billie said, mimicking my smile. "Oh, so THAT'S Billie?" Lola smirked at me. My eyes widen. "What do you meeaaann?" I blush in embarrassment. "Damn, you've been talking about me to hot girls?" Billie said. "She's my best friend, shut up." I rolled my eyes, laughing. "Is she the one who kissed you?" Billie asked, laughing at me. "You told her?!" Lola wheezed. "Both of you can lick my clit." I said, flipping them off. "If you want a threesome just say that." Lola says and Billie wheezes. "Anyways, a pipe blew up at my school today and now we have a week off. I'm thinking about flying back home early-" "Please come back, I miss you so much!!" Lola cuts me off.  "Don't leave me." Billie pouted. "I really miss my family and friends, Bil. And you know about my situation right now... Sorry..." We all got quiet for a second. Then it hit me. "Or... You can come with me!" I said and our faces lit up. "Yes, I'll ask my parents." She muted the call. "So what's up?" Lola asked. "I fucking miss you that's what's up." I sighed frustrated. "No, I mean... With everything. You okay?" Her face twisted up. "I'll tell you later, I'm not in the mood and it's triggering." I say. Billie came back. "My mom said no." She cried out.  "It's okay, Bil. I'll visit you, you will visit me." I said to her. "But I miss you already." She pouted. "I'm coming over right now." I say. "You are making me jealous. I'm hanging up." Lola frowned and we laughed.

Chanel •Billie Eilish• (rewritten)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz