25- Daddy

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chen's pov:

I woke up with Billie in my arms while she snored. I smiled and I stared at her lips. They're so plump, pink, kissable, pretty, amazingly soft, delicious, and sexy.

That's the only thing that I wanna feel on my skin. I kissed her jawline and got down to her neck. Her eyes fluttered open and she immediately started to blush.

"Morning, angel." I smile as she blushes more. "I had a wet dream." She chuckled and arched her back to stretch. "You're gonna do that when I give you head?" I bite my lip, holding back a laugh. She stared at me with wide eyes. I felt her thighs press up against each other.

I laughed and hugged her. "C'mon get up." I got up and held her hand out to help her stand up. She stretched and yawned again. We walked to the bathroom. "Get out I wanna pee." I say and she nods. "Imma go pee in my bathroom then." She laughed and walked to her room.

45 minutes later...
"Lunch is in the backyard today. And wake everyone up, tell them I want them there." I shut the phone and went to sit on the chair in my backyard.

Billie swung her arms on my neck and kissed me, I smiled in the kiss and kissed her back, holding her hands and intertwining them with mine. "Good morning, love birds." Steph and Max sat around the circle table.

Billie sat next to me when Dave came in view. "Chanel, I- I'm sorr-" I cut him off "No, I clearly overreacted. My bad, bro. It's because I was under peer pressure - and I know that's not an excuse - but I lost control over myself yesterday, it was supposed to be a slap and now you have a busted lip and a black eye. I'm sorry." I giggled, getting up and hugging him.

"You okay?" He hugs back and asks. I shook my head, looking down. "Wanna talk about it?" I look up and see the worry in his eyes. "I'm bi..." I chuckled nervously. "I'm proud of you, love. I told you I'll support you no matter what." He kissed my head and I smiled.

"That isn't the problem though..." I say, pulling away. "Well then, what's wrong?" He pulled away from the hug and held my hands. My dad walks in and I jump out of my chair. "Daddy!" I hug him. "Ah, my princess, I've missed you so much." He hugged me tighter.

"Hey, dad." Dave waved. "Hey, Davion! Oh, I see you brought your friends here, let me introduce myself." He walks to the table and sits next to Dave. "Hello everyone I'm Greg. You're all pretty. Damn, Chen, You attract good looking people-" He says and I cut him off "Don't say all of that they were the ones who walked up to me in school." I facepalmed.

"Well, they attract good looking people then." He says. "Forgot how cheesy my father is, sorry guys." I apologized to my friends, making them laugh. "You look interesting... I like you." My dad pointed at Billie. They all thanked him and introduced themselves.

The food came and we talked and enjoyed each other's company.

At dinner in the backyard...
"No offense, but Billie seems the coolest one here, I like her." He smiled at her and she fist-pumped him. "Thanks, man. Yo, your dad is so cool." She said to Dave and me, we nodded in reply. "So I wanna talk about... My situation back home with mum." I clear my throat and they all look at me.

"We can do that in the family meeting room if you need privacy." My dad reassures me. "No it's fine, they were there, they know what happened." I said. "Whatever suits you then, princess." My dad nodded for me to continue.

"She enrolled me in a public school, she's starting to drink a lot, she's getting more abusive, and when I came out to mum as bi she called me a faggot, a dyke and many other names that hurt me. It was disgusting." I adjusted as I felt my body tensing up.

Chanel •Billie Eilish• (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now