46- I'm here

174 7 115

bil's pov:

"IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU HERE..." I sing. "AND NOW, LET ME HOLD BOTH YOUR HANDS IN..." Chanel sings. "THE HOLES OF MY SWEATER." We both scream. Then I sang the 'Ooh' part.

"You've got to be kidding me, how is your voice so good?!" Chanel complains, lowering the radio's volume.

I laugh and kiss her then sit back in my seat, watching the sky.

We've been hanging out in her car on a mountain at 3:44 A.M, waiting for the sunrise, and drinking iced tea while vibing to music.

"Wanna sit outside?" She asks. "Okay." I say, getting out and closing the door behind me.

I lay on the car's hood and rest my head on the windshield. She comes out of the car and mimics my action.

I move closer to her and she opens her arm for me. I lay my head on her chest and we both stare at the stars.

"I love you." I say, looking up at her. "I love you more." She says, smiling down at me. I smile and snuggle in her.

"I've been wondering from this past week... What is my mom thinking about right now?" Chen asks slowly. "I don't know... But you don't gotta worry about that." I shrug, biting my lip anxiously.

"Don't do that, your lips are beautiful." She pulls my lip out with her thumb. "That was hot." I giggle.

"Woah, yeah. Not in public again." Chen laughs.

-Time Skip-

Soon we see the sun rise up and the stars start to fade with the moon.

"Do you wanna stay or should we get going? It's almost 5 A.M, and our faggot asses pulled up an all nighter." Chen says, looking at her phone.

"Why, don't you wanna stay?" I ask her, pouting. "Of course I do. I was just asking, beautiful." Chen caresses my cheek.

"Let's stay a little bit." I smile. "Okay." She nods, smiling. "Oh and... I contacted multiple of my designers and 4 designers were happy to help." Chen says. "Oh my god! Thank you, Chen." I jump away from her arms excitedly.

She yanks me back in and I fall on her chest, giggling.

"One of them wants to meet us in a VIP room in his strip club, wanna go?" She asks. "Ooh, sounds fun. When?" I said, playing with her hair.

"Tomorrow at 9 P.M. Do you think it'd be safe or should I call someone?" She asks. "We'll be just fine-" "I'm still calling someone." She says, cutting me off. "Fine." I roll my eyes.

"Just for safety. You never know who could be watching us, or following us." She says. "Uhm... Let's get back in the car..." I say, getting creeped out.

"Pussy." She laughs at me, getting up and running inside the car, leaving me all alone.

"DON'T FUCKING LEAVE ME!!" I jumped off of the hood and ran to the passenger's door almost crying, my eyes tearing up.

"Oh my god, are you about to cry?" She sarcastically said, mocking me.

"You scared me." I put the seatbelt on and cross my arms over my chest, sniffing. "Aw, I'm sorry." She brushes a string of my hair behind my ear and kisses my cheek.

I blush and smile faster than anybody could ever imagine. I try to hide it and look out the window, but it won't go away, so I covered my mouth with my sleeve like an emo girl.

"There we go with the cute ass smile." She pulls my face towards her and makes me look at her.

"I love you." She kisses me. "I love you too." I say, blushing harder. "Ugh! I love it when I make you blush." Chanel sighs.

Chanel •Billie Eilish• (rewritten)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora