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"So tell me, how you're doing Geralt? We haven't seen each other for a quite long time." Eskel was curious.
They were standing on the balcony. They already ate their dinner and they wanted to talk in private.
"I'm gonna say that's very different what I expected.." Geralt said thoughtfully and looked at him.
"What do you mean?" Eskel laughed a bit.
"I mean.. I thought it will be hard and it is still hard.. you know.. their are all my responsibility, their my everything now. To be honest I really wasn't prepare to have a real family. I was trained like a monster slayer. All what I know in my life was just hate, fear, evil, killing, fucking injustice.. but now it's a huge change for me.. They showed me that there is more in this life, they literally changed me. They gave me something what I never had and I quite like this lifestyle without killing monsters or bastards almost every day." Geralt said honestly.
"I can see Geralt.." Eskel laughed. "You're totally different person than you was before.. I mean in good way.." he was honest.
"Hm.. Tell me about it.." Geralt laughed.
"And Yennefer? How is she handling everything?" Eskel gave him amusement look. Geralt shaked his head.
"She's changed even more since we have Jahve. She's more grumpy than me now, because she's worried about them." Geralt said calmly. "But her behavior hasn't changed at all. She'll still send you to the hell if she wants to.." Geralt laughed.
"Charming as ever.." Eskel was joking.
"Yeah.." he said with laughing. "But I still love her. She's not so bad as you think, she has a good heart." Geralt smiled.
"May I remind you she only likes one witcher in the whole world and that's you. Everyone else are pricks for her.." Eskel laughed.
"Well, if you would own her heart as first, maybe then you wouldn't have any problem with her." Geralt was teasing him.
"But I'm not the famous White Wolf with charming voice and.." Eskel said with laughing.
"Shut up.." Geralt cut him and laughed. "Alright, enough of this topic.. now tell me something about you. How's you and Triss ?" Geralt said calmly. Eskel immediately started blushing.
"Someone fell in love I suppose.." Geralt was teasing him.
"No.. It's not that.." Eskel frowned.
"Oh really? When I mention her name you're always totally wet.. and you behave differently.. I know these feelings very well." Geralt laughed. Eskel sighed.
"Fine. I do have feelings for her. Satisfied?" Eskel frowned.
"Was it so hard to say it?" Geralt smiled.
"No.. I'm just not.." Geralt interrupted him.
"Your not sure if it is real.." he caught Eskel's arm.
"Exactly." Eskel sighed. "And she's most of the time here or she's doing her king's duties and we don't see each other that much.." he said sadly. "How you handle this everything Geralt? I mean it must be really though to handle Yennefer, not to mention that you're also a father now." Eskel was confused. He needed answers.
"Look, it never be easy. Problems will always come between you and Triss, it's normal. But you will go trough it. Together. You will survive it. I've get trough a lot with Yen and we are here.. because we love each other no matter what. She even gave me a second chance after I broke her heart and I can't be more grateful for it.
We have emotions Eskel, we're also capable of love. We're not monsters like other people thinks we are. Just don't be afraid to show it. Show your emotions, show who you really are and that's all. You will feel better then and I promise you Triss will be very happy if you tell her what you really feel." Geralt smiled at him. He was honest.
"Thank you Geralt. These words means a lot to me." Eskel smiled. "Yennefer raised from you a really great man.." Eskel was kidding.
"Was I so bad before?" Geralt laughed.
"Just a little.." Eskel said with laughing.
"You dickhead.." Geralt elbowed Eskel into his arm. Eskel laughed.

"Dad!" Jahve ran to them. They both turned to him. Jahve was catching his breath.
"Easy. Just take a breath first." Geralt laughed.
"I have a letter from lady Melanie. She told me it's for you!" Jahve said with excitement. He gave a letter to Geralt.
"Thank you." Geralt smiled at him.
"And mom also told me that you should both return back to the dinner. She said it's rude to leave like that." Jahve smiled from ear to ear. Geralt raised his eyebrows.
"Of course.. she can't let her eyes from us.." Geralt said sarcastically and looked at Eskel. Eskel burst into laughing.
"Jahve go with Eskel inside, I will follow you in minute." he caressed Jahve's hair.
"Come." Eskel smiled at Jahve and he caught his hand. They left from the balcony.
Geralt opened the letter and he recognized a font. It was from Jaskier.

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