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TRISS's HOUSE - Novigrad

"Do you know Geralt of Rivia?" Yennefer asked her. She was little bit curious about that witcher. Triss stopped reading the book in that moment. It was early morning.
"I.. I mean.. Yes, I know him. We worked together once.." Triss smiled at her. "Why do you ask?" she was trying to act naturally.
"You've never told me that you know the famous White Wolf.." Yennefer raised her eyebrow. This news surprised her.
"Well.. that's because we haven't seen each other so long. We didn't have a chance to talk properly." Triss was trying to smile.
"He was acting so weird." Yennefer admitted.
"Witchers are strange." Triss said quickly. Yennefer gave her confused look.
"You know.. their mind is kind of broken.." Triss laughed and put big smile on her face.
I really couldn't say bigger bullshit. She thought.
"I don't think so, he seems quite clever to me." Yennefer said calmly.
"Maybe rumors were not true then." Triss smiled at her. "Oh, I totally forgot.. I have some work to do. See you later?" she didn't want to talk about Geralt anymore. She knew she could very easily say something what she may then regret.
"Alright. I have to solve something in the town too." Yennefer smiled at her. Triss stood up.
"See you then." the sorceress said kindly and left.
"Bye." Yennefer smiled. She started thinking. She noticed that Triss was acting differently. She was clearly missing something.


Geralt was standing in front of mirror and looking at himself. He was thinking about her.
Almost a four days passed since he was talking to her. He knew he should talk to her because she won't be in Novigrad forever. But it was hard for him, no matter how he tried to deny it. He missed her. He would never realize how much until she wasn't near to him. He wanted to solve everything, he wanted to end this curse as soon as possible, but the most he wanted her back. He needed her back. He wasn't himself without her by his side. He loved her so much and he wasn't ready to lose her. Not again. He knew he can't fail. This was his biggest fear. To lose her. He knew then everything would be over for him. He knew he couldn't live without her. But he also couldn't let that happen.
He took a deep breath. He fixed his shirt, then he tied his hair with black ribbon. He went towards his bed and grabbed his armor. Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
"Dad?" Jahve slowly opened the door. Geralt turned to him.
"Why are you not sleeping? It's still so early." he smiled at him.
"I couldn't sleep." Jahve explained. He came to Geralt.
"What's worrying you?" the witcher smiled and he knelt down in front of him.
"Where is mom?" Jahve asked him sadly. Geralt sighed. He knew that this question from him will come soon or later, but he didn't expect that it would be so hard for him to explain it.
"Your mother had to leave." Geralt was trying to smile. But it was really hard for him to lie to his own son.
"She doesn't love us anymore?" Jahve lowered his head. He didn't understand.
"What? No. That's not true. She loves us. She also loves you so much, but she has some work to do now." Geralt explained. He wished he would never have to say those words to him.
"Then why she didn't say goodbye?" he looked at him with sad eyes. Geralt's heart wanted to break apart in that moment.
"Because it was urgent. She needed to leave quickly, but she will return soom. I promise." Geralt caressed his hair. He wished his words were right. The tears started rolling down from Jahve's eyes. Geralt looked at him sadly.
"Shh.. don't cry. She will come back." Geralt hugged him tightly.
"I miss her dad." Jahve snuggled closer to Geralt.
"I know. I miss her too." the witcher was honest.
Another knock on the door disturbed them.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to interrupt you, but we have a session. We have a new clues." Triss told them kindly.
"Go find Ciri. Okay?" Geralt looked at him and kissed his forehead. Jahve nodded and he started leaving.
"He is such a lovely boy." Triss admitted when she came to Geralt.
"I don't deserve him. I don't deserve them.. I can't even take care of my own family.." Geralt sighed and lowered his head.
"Geralt this is not your fault. You know that." Triss wanted to comfort him. She knew this situation was hard for him.
"I failed again. I didn't protect her." he raised his eyes on her.
"Hey, hold on. First of all she can protect herself, she has proved it many times to you and secondly you're the strongest person I've ever met then I don't understand how it could be your fault.." Triss crossed her arms.
"It still won't change what happened." he was honest.
"Yeah, you right. It won't change if you will sit here and do nothing. Do you want her back? Then fight for her." Triss said honestly. Geralt nodded.
"Thank you..." he smiled at her.
"Come. We should go. They're waiting on us." Triss caressed his arm.

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