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Yennefer landed on the floor with Geralt in her arms. She had to use all her strength to hold him in her arms because he was too heavy. She managed to put him on the floor. Suddenly another teleport opened and Eskel with Triss landed on the floor.
"Go!" Yennefer yelled at them. They didn't wait any longer and they started running to find Vesemir and his bag with potions. Jaskier was sitting to the table and drinking when this whole situation happened. He immediately stood up and came towards them. But when he saw Geralt covered in the blood almost unconscious, he couldn't stand it anymore.
"Fuck! Geralt..." he screamed from the fear and in that moment he fell down unconscious.
Yennefer looked at Geralt. He was slowly breathing but at least he was still conscious. He was looking at her with pain in his eyes.
"You bloody fucking bastard! You can't die! Do you hear me?!" she said with frustration.
"Yen.." he was barely speaking. Suddenly he started coughing the blood.
"No, no, no.." Yennefer started to be helpless. He murmured something.
"No, Geralt don't.." she put her hand on his face. Some teleport opened again. It was the girl. She immediately went towards them when she spotted them.
"Geralt!" she said with fear in her eyes. She knelt down next to him. "He is dying!" Ciri looked at Yennefer.
"I know!" Yennefer said angrily. She wasn't mad at Ciri but on herself that she couldn't save him.
"Yennefer, please do something!" Ciri started to be frustrated.
"I can't! My magic will kill him!" she stated. Geralt started losing conscience again.
"Geralt, no! Stay with us!" Ciri tried to wake him up. Geralt somehow opened his eyes. Suddenly Eskel and Triss stormed into the main hall, Vesemir as well. Eskel immediately knelt down next to Geralt, he opened the potion and poured it into Geralt's mouth. After couple of seconds Geralt started shaking.
"What is happening?!" Ciri said worriedly.
"His body is fighting with the sepsis." Eskel explained quickly. Geralt coughed blood again.
"Fight Wolf.." Vesemir begged him. His son was dying and he knew it.. but he still had a little hope. Yennefer and Ciri was looking at Geralt with fear in their eyes. Triss wasn't rather even looking at it. Eskel started literally praying to Gods. Jaskier wasn't even conscious.
Geralt suddenly closed his eyes. Yennefer immediately narrowed his eyes on him, she had a feeling that something is wrong. She was right.
"He isn't breathing!" Yennefer shouted. He caught Geralt arms and started to shake with him but he didn't even move.
"Yennefer!" Ciri said with tears in her eyes. Yennefer saw her eyes, she knew what she needs to do.
"Fuck it, I have to this!" Yennefer said with frustration. She put her hands on his body and started speaking in Elder speech.
"Dwinth sairt escaerth, dwinth faithe raehar ascarth, dwinth sairt escaerth.. Aen minne vain tegen e deith.." Yennefer was repeating those words.
"Stop! You will kill him!" Eskel panicked.
"She has to do something!" Ciri was defending her. Yennefer continued in the spell but Geralt still wasn't breathing. Ciri then came to her and put her hands on Yennefer's back. She started giving her strength by using the spell.
"Dwinth sairt escaerth, dwinth faithe raehar ascarth, dwinth sairt escaerth.. Aen minne vain tegen e deith.." Yennefer raised her voice and her eyes were wet from tears.
"Geralt, come on.." Eskel was almost crying.
"Dwinth sairt escaerth, dwinth faithe raehar ascarth, dwinth sairt escaerth.. Aen minne vain tegen e deith.." Yennefer started to be hopeless but she still continued with the spell. The tears were falling from her eyes like a waterfall. This whole situation felt like eternity for them.
Suddenly Geralt opened his eyes and took a long deep breath. He started shaking again and he was trying to catch his breath. Yennefer came back to the mind.
"Give him another potion!" Now!" Yennefer shouted on Eskel. Eskel did exactly what Yennefer commanded him. After couple of seconds Geralt stopped shaking and he started breathing slowly. Yennefer caressed Geralt's face. She was still in shock from what was happening. Eskel then put his hand on Geralt's forehead.
"He has still a high temperature but he is stable for now. We have to take him to the room and stitch his wounds. Immediately." Eskel told them seriously. "Vesemir, help to me to carry him." Eskel commanded him. Then they both carefully raised Geralt from the floor.
"Triss, come with us. We'll need your help with stitching." Eskel looked at her worried. She nodded. They all started leaving with Geralt in their arms.

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