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NOVIGRAD - Redania

"Are you sure this is Jaskier's Tavern? Because it looks very normal.." Yennefer asked Geralt. She started looking around the whole Tavern. There was quite a lot people sitting to the table talking and drinking.
"I can't believe it either, but he told me this address." Geralt looked at her. Yennefer sighed.
"We should ask someone." Ciri suggested.
"Yeah, we should.." Geralt started thinking.
Suddenly some young guy came to them.
"Master Witcher." he stood up in front of him. "My ladies.." he looked at them and bowed with his head. He raised his head and his eyes stopped at Ciri for a while, then he again looked at Geralt. Ciri suddenly felt strange feeling and her cheeks went red. She didn't understand what happened. Yennefer noticed it and raised her eyebrow. Ciri looked at her, but then she lowered her eyes.
"May I know who are you?" Geralt was suspicious. He looked at him from tips to head.
"Matthew de Ferrantes, I'm working for Mr. Jaskier. He is waiting for you." the young guy said calmly.
"How can I know that you're telling the truth?" Geralt gave him angry look.
"Geralt.. stop it. You'll scare him. Let this handsome young man show us the way first before you'll kill him with your eyes." Yennefer put the hand on Geralt's chest and gave him warn look. Geralt hesitated, but then he calmed down. Since he almost lost Ciri and Yen, he hasn't trusted anyone. Yennefer then came to the guy.
"Lead the way." she smiled at him.
"Your wish is my command my lady." Matthew said with respect. "Follow me." he looked at them and then he started going away.
Ciri followed him as first. Yennefer raised her eyebrow on Geralt.
"What?" Geralt crossed his arms.
"Nothing." Yennefer shaked her head. She looked at her son. "Jahve come." she offered her hand to him. Jahve took it and they both followed Matthew. Geralt sighed and then he went after them.

Matthew knocked and opened the door.
"They here Mr. Jaskier." Matthew smiled when he entered.
"How many times I must tell to call me just Jaskier.. your father teach you too well Matthew." Jaskier shaked his head and laughed.
"But you haven't have any education at all my dearest bard.." Geralt smiled at him when he entered inside the room.
"And you should sometimes forgive your sarcasm witcher.." Jaskier laughed. He stood up and went towards Geralt.
"Good to see you again!" Jaskier shaked with Geralt's hand.
"I would never think I will ever say this, but I missed your voice.." Geralt said with laughing.
"That's because my voice is irresistible." Jaskier laughed.
"As I see glory hit someone into his head.." Yennefer said sarcastically.
"I missed you too Yennefer.." Jaskier turned to her and hugged her.
"I haven't missed you at all.." Yennefer laughed a bit.
"That joke hurt.." Jaskier laughed. He then looked at Ciri.
"But I wasn't joking." Yennefer stated.
"Yen." Geralt looked at her.
"Fine..." Yennefer smirked.
"Ciri.." Jaskier came to her and hugged her tightly. "You still grows into beauty.." he smiled at her.
"Wish I would.." Ciri laughed.
"You are and I think someone here can't take his eyes from you.." Jaskier whispered to her and winked at her. He then started searching for Jahve with his eyes. Ciri started blushing after she realized what Jaskier meant.
"Where's my little nephew?" Jaskier said with excitement.
"Here!" Jahve jumped on Jaskier's neck.
"You've grown so much already! Someone has been eating properly.." Jaskier said with laughing. Yennefer gave him angry look. Jaskier pretended like he didn't see her reaction.
"I wanna be strong as daddy." Jahve said proudly.
"You will be even better." Jaskier caressed his head and looked at Geralt amusemently.
"Hmm.. alright we should go to eat something." Geralt shaked his head. "Come here Jahve." he took Jahve from Jaskier's arms. Jahve snuggled closer to him.
"I agree with Geralt. I'm starving." Yennefer said honestly.
"Of course, I prepared a dinner for you. Well, my chef did." Jaskier smiled.
"How you.." Jaskier interrupted Geralt.
"I will explain everything later." Jaskier laughed.
"I'm really curious." Geralt said honestly.

They were eating in the private room. The chef prepared lot of different kinds of food. Geralt and Yennefer were surprised by the quality of the food, also by the decoration in the whole Tavern.
It was getting late. They already ate their food. Yennefer went to put Jahve in the bed, because his eyes were closing almost every minute. Geralt with Jaskier ordered beer. Ciri was sitting in the armchair next to the fireplace and reading the book.
"How the hell you got this Tavern?" Geralt asked Jaskier. He still couldn't believe it.
"Let's say I have friends on the right places." Jaskier laughed.
"To the point please." Geralt commanded him.
"Well, it was owned by Alonso Wisely, but he accidentally died. Then my very good friend Fabio de Ferrantes, who is also a new Commander of Guards in Novigrad after Roderick died in the battle, offered me this place because he was looking for a new owner and he knew that I love theater and art. I accepted it and I rebuilded it as a Cabarent and Tavern." Jaskier explained.
"Did you fall into a horse's shit when you were young?" Geralt couldn't believe his own ears.
"Kind of.." Jaskier said with laughing.
"Where did you get money on rebuilding?" Geralt wondered.
"My friend Oscar gave me.." Geralt interrupted him.
"Okay, I heard everything now.." Geralt shaked his head. "Well, cheers on your ass to stay always lucky." he laughed.
"On yours too my friend." Jaskier smiled. They both drank beer.
"Where's Priscilla anyway?" Geralt wanted to know.
"She needs to work. She is preparing scripts for a new play in the local theater." Jaskier said proudly.
"Really? I didn't know she is such a good poet." Geralt wa surprised.
"She's even better than me, but don't tell her this.." Jaskier said with laughing. "And you should see her how she plays the lute and sings.. you will start crying if you listen to her.." he said with excitement.
"Why you never tell me this?" Geralt was surprised again.
"Because you've never cared about art and you've been always busy." Jaskier was honest.
"Hm, that's true. I almost forget what is like to drink beer and then have a hangover." Geralt said thoughtfully. Jaskier understood.
Suddenly Matthew enetered into the room and he came towards them.
"Getlemen." he smiled.
"Matt, where were you?" Jaskier asked him with excitement.
"I was helping lady Yennefer with moving furniture. She didn't like how the room looked like." Matthew explained. Jaskier excitement left.
"Great." Jaskier frowned and looked at Geralt.
"You know Yen, she always does what she wants." Geralt said calmly.
"Maybe you're used to it Geralt, but I'm not. She can't move with my expensive furniture." Jaskier was depressed.
"She didn't break it, then don't freak out and drink." Geralt said calmly and he drank.
"You will pay for the room." Jaskier smirked and drank the beer.
"I think you'll change your mind soon." Geralt said amusemently.
"No, I won't." Jaskier was still offended. Then he raised his eyes on Matthew.
"Matt, don't you wanna join Ciri? She would appreciate a company." Jaskier suggested and started smiling.
"May I?" Matt looked at Geralt for permission. Geralt nodded. Matthew then went towards Ciri.
"So.. Matthew is Fabio's son?" the witcher asked Jaskier.
"Yes, he is. He's helping me with this Tavern and he is also very skilled with the sword." Jaskier said calmly.
"He can't be better than Ciri." Geralt stated.
"Well, you should try his skills before he will belong into family.." Jaskier laughed.
"What?" Geralt's face got serious.

Matthew came to the fireplace.
"May I sit down lady Cirilla?" Matt smiled at her.
Ciri quickly raised her head from the book. She wanted to be sure if this voice really belonged to him. She gave him surprised look. He had dark brown short a bit curly hair and brown eyes. He was quite tall and musclar type. He was really handsome, she admitted.
"Yeah.. sit down." she was trying to smile. He nodded and sat down to the chair next to her.
He looked at her.
"And you can call me just Ciri.. I'm not really a lady.." Ciri smiled.
"Okay.. and then who are you if not a lady?" Matthew was smiling. She realized what she said.
"Well.. I mean, it was long time ago when I was calling a lady.. Now I'm more into witcher's stuff." she explained. She was feeling a bit embarrassed.
"I understand. Jaskier has told me many things about you and Geralt." he said kindly. She was surprised again. It seemed that he was interested about her. She smiled.
"What are you reading?" he looked at her book.
"It's a legend about Tor Lara." Ciri said calmly.
"Interesting. You are curious about this stuff, aren't you?" Matthew asked her.
"Yes, I am. Mostly I adore legends and history. It's very interesting to see how people are still doing the same mistakes." Ciri said confidently.
"I thought you will be very clever, now I see I was right." he laughed a bit.
"Thanks.." she smiled. She didn't know what else to say because her heart wanted to explode in that moment. She didn't know reason why.

"They're just talking, there is nothing between them." Geralt stated. He and Jaskier were staring at them.
"You were also only talking with Yennefer and now you're married to her." Jaskier was teasing him.
"It was different.." Geralt cut him. He drank the beer.
"Was it?" the bard laughed. The witcher rolled his eyes.
"He is not her type.." Geralt frowned.
"Since when do you know who is her type?'" Jaskier raised his eyebrow.
"I just think it.. and he isn't a good company for her at all.." Geralt said calmly.
"You can't judge him if you don't know him Geralt. He is the sweetest young guy I've ever met.. he would take care of her." Jaskier said honestly.
"I am taking care of Ciri." the witcher made it clear.
"Now you're behaving like a jealous father.." Jaskier said with laughing. "Tomorrow she will be twenty years old. She is almost grown up young woman, you have to gave her some space." Jaskier smiled and drank his beer. Geralt sighed.
"It's not that easy." the witcher explained.
"At least you should give him a chance. He is really trying." Jaskier laughed.
"Hm.. and how old is he anyway?" Geralt was strict.
"Twenty three.." Jaskier smiled under his nose.
"And what is he.." the bard interrupted him.
"You can ask him. They're coming here.." Jaskier crossed her arms and laughed. Geralt narrowed his eyes on Matthew when they stood up next to their table.
"I'm going upstairs." Ciri smiled at them and she started leaving.
"Should I escort you?" Matthew stopped her.
"No, thank you, it's alright. Good night." she gave him big smile. Matt nodded. She then started leaving from the room.
"Do you see?" Jaskier whispered to Geralt. Geralt was watching Matt's every move.
"Matthew, a word." Geralt told him strictly. Matt gave him confused look.

Ciri entered into the room and spotted Yennefer on the bed how she was reading her book. Jahve was sleeping peacefully next to her. Yennefer raised hers eyes on her.
"Did you enjoy the night?" Yen asked her kindly.
"Yeah, I did.." she hesitated. Ciri sat down on the edge of bed.
"What happened?" Yennefer looked at her seriously.
"Nothing.. I just.. how did you know you like Geralt?" Ciri was confused. Yennefer gave her surprised look. She didn't expect question like this.
"To be honest.. I don't know how. We're just looked at each other and then I couldn't resist his witcher's charm anymore." Yennefer laughed a bit. "Are we talking about specific person?" she smiled at her.
"Maybe.." Ciri was a bit embarrassed.
"Just be yourself all time and if he is the right one for you, you will both find the way to each other." Yennefer explained. "Come here." she called on her. Ciri stood up from the bed and came to her.
"Don't worry everything will be alright." Yennefer caressed her face.
"Thank you." Ciri smiled at her.
"Anytime." Yennefer kissed her on hers cheek. "Now go to sleep, tomorrow is your day." she smiled at her.
"Good night." Ciri said kindly and she left into another room.
My little daughter is a little woman now, Yennefer thought and smiled.
Suddenly Geralt softly opened the door and started slowly coming to her.
"Party is over so soon?" Yennefer raised her eyebrow on him.
"That's because tomorrow is another one." Geralt smiled and sat down next to her. He softly caressed Jahve's head, then he looked at her.
"And I hope you'll able to walk and speak normally after this party." Yennefer stated.
"Don't worry." he gave a small kiss on her face.
"I'm just worry about your health when Jaskier's invated all your witcher friends and I very well know what it means.." Yennefer looked straight into his eyes.
"I will try to not have a big hangover.." Geralt laughed.
"I take that from granted.." she kissed him.

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