The past

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OXENFURT - Redania

"What are you doing with that table?" Lambert crossed his arms and looked at Geralt who was moving with quite a big table.
"I don't like it there.." Geralt put down the table on the new place.
"You do realize this is not your house?" Lambert raised his eyebrow.
"And?" Geralt looked at him.
"That's means you shouldn't be moving things without permission of the owner.." Lambert said with sarcastic tone.
"Since when you've stopped breaking every rule?" Geralt leaned over the table.
"Since I'm temporary living in house which belongs to sorceress whom can easily kill me with one spell." Lambert smirked. Geralt rolled his eyes.
"Good morning.." Ciri came down from the stairs.
"It's almost a lunch Ciri.." Lambert said ironically. Ciri ignored his comment and looked at Geralt.
"Why is that table in the different place than yesterday?" Ciri was confused.
"What's wrong with moving furniture if I don't like it's position?" Geralt frowned.
"Don't notice him.. he's just nervous because of Yennefer's first lesson today. He needed to find a distraction for himself, well, and this time he found a table." Lambert said with laughing.
"Lambert, I swear I'm gonna punch your face right know.. if you don't shut.." Ciri interrupted Geralt.
"Wait, she has it today? Why the hell you didn't wake me up? I wanted to go there to support her." Ciri said angrily.
"Hey, calm down young lady. You were sleeping like a wood if you don't remember.. nobody wanted to disturb your beautiful dreams." Lambert faked his smile.
"Oh, that I'm sorry I finally fell asleep properly.." Ciri rolled her eyes.
"I'm going to University to see her now. You can go with me if you want." Geralt suggested.
"No, I can't. Matt has a meeting today in Oxenfurt and I promised him I'll meet him after that.. That's why I wanted to go see Yen in the morning." Ciri sighed.
"Well, priorities are priorities Ciri.." Lambert was teasing her.
"Geralt, can we send him back to Kaer Morhen? Because he's really getting on my nerves and I don't know how long I can stay being nice to him.." she said seriously and then gave Lambert angry look.
"Hey! I take that personally." Lambert was offended.
"Good, because I meant it personally." Ciri stated. "I need to go. Have a good lunch." Ciri turned around and started leaving from the room.
"When did she grow up that much?" Lambert gave Geralt surprised look.
"I have no idea Lambert.. no idea.." Geralt admitted.

Yennefer was sitting to the table in big Hall and waiting when all students will sit down to their sits. When they all sat down, in the room was still a big noise but she decided she won't wait until the students will shut up by themselves. She stood up from the chair and then stood up in front of table. She cleared her throat.
"If you're done with sharing your boring news to your classmates, then close your mouths." Yennefer told them strictly. In the room was suddenly a big quiet. She continued.
"If you know who I am, then you know what I'm capable of." Yennefer choose a warning tone. "If you don't know my name, then your shame.. Anyway I'm your new lecturer of magic. I will require one hundred attention to what I am saying. If I will see that somebody is sleeping on my lessons or not paying attention, you will be fired immediately.." she was serious. "Only in case I'll have a good mood, I'll use the door and not the window." she smiled. Not a single student made a noise, they were even afraid to move with their fingers. Her method to earn respect right in the start worked, obviously.
"Alright when we understood each other, then we can start." Yennefer leaned over the table.
"Can somebody tell me what magic is?" she crossed her arms. She gave them some time to think but nobody said a word as she expected.
"I didn't forbid you to speak.." she said sarcastically and she was waiting again. After one minute without any respond, she spoke again.
"Fine, I'll give you some clues.. Chaos, art, blessing, curse.." Yennefer said thoughtfully. She waited again.
"Will somebody finally tell me what magic is? You can answer with a question if you don't know how to use sentences in 12th century.." Yennefer used sarcastic tone. Jaskier sitting almost at the end of the Hall immediately raised his hand.
"No one?" she raised her eyebrow and pretended she didn't see the bard. Jaskier started trying to get her attention even more. He started waving on her with his hands. He would even stand up if that wouldn't be so weird in that moment.
"Anyone else?" Yennefer saw Jaskier very well but she didn't need him to say some bullshit on her first class. She was watching all the students with her eyes and waiting. But she knew she would get old sooner than someone would answer her. She decided to continue.
"Alright then, I will answer by myself.." Yennefer said calmly. Jaskier's excitement left in that moment. He angrily put down his hand and frowned.
"What the fu.." Jaskier stopped himself from saying that word because he realized Jahve was sitting next to him and Yennefer would definitely kill him if Jahve would start speaking this way so soon. He turned to him and he was trying to smile.
"You know your mom can be so rude sometimes?" Jaskier told him a bit offended.
"My mom is the best." Jahve said without hesitation and smiled at him.
"Of course she's the best.." Jaskier nodded. "Best on getting on others nerves.." Jaskier murmured under his nose quietly and frowned again.

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