(30) Self harming

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Justin’s P.O.V


We decided to go to the club, and I thought that was an awful idea, I didn’t want to be here all alone with Renee pissed off, but Renee seemed to be pretty happy without me, she was with Laura and Yael dancing and laughing her ass off, while I was sitting here, staring at my glass water.

“Problems?” The barman said, I glared “Don’t talk to your costumers” I glared at him “Sorry” He mumbled and gave some drunk guy his drink “Do you see that girl there?” The drunk guy slurred out staring at Renee “Yes?” “I’m fucking her so hard tonight” He smirked, I looked at him “That’s my girlfriend” I said clenching my fists, he looked at me “Oh, sorry” He laughed out and walked away, horny bastards, that’s when I noticed, that Renee wasn’t dancing with Yael nor Laura anymore, she was dancing with a guy, a fucking guy, they were grinding ‘like all the stupid couples do’ I repeated the words she said the last time, I growled clenching my fists, she smirked and looked straight into my eyes, licking her lips, I stared at her, getting so mad, so angry, I was about to kill him..

Her facial expression changed when his hand went down her private part, she looked up at the guy shocked as the guy was rubbing her thing “Justin don-“ “She’s letting him” I growled “No she isn’t” Scooter said, I glared at him and then got up storming to there “Hey” I growled, the guy looked at me annoyed, that’s when I punched him straight in the face, I couldn’t bare to see my girl flirting with another, I couldn’t take it.

‘Oooh’s were all over the place as the music dropped low, all eyes were on us “What the hell!?” The guy said punching me back, I groaned as his fist hit my jaw, but I didn’t move really much, I just punched him as hard as I could in the face, making his nose bleed and the part of his eyebrow, I growled as he fell on the ground “SECURITY!” Someone yelled, they pulled me out the club and all of my friends and the girls, same with the other guy I just beat up, Renee was staring at me “Great! Thanks A LOT Justin!” Renee yelled “What did you want me to do!? Let him touch you all over!? You cheated on me Renee! That’s cheating!” I yelled “You cheated too!” “I NEVER CHEATED! THE BITCH JUST SAT ON TOP OF ME AND I TOLD HER TO FUCK OFF! I love you why would I go with another!? But clearly you didn’t love me enough” I snapped at her, she stared at me “I do love you” She cracked out.

“Really? You do? You just let that guy, grind on you, touch your ass, your pussy, everything, EVEN YOUR BOOBS! And now you dare to say, that you love me?” I whispered hurt, I didn’t dare to raise my voice again, because I was on the edge of crying, she looked at me “Justin, I’m sorry” She cracked out “No, you’re not” I whispered and got into the car.

The ride was silent and awkward, nobody said anything, only Renee said that we had to drive her home that she wasn’t staying over, so Scooter did, once she left, everyone turned to look at me, but I couldn’t move, I couldn’t look at them, I couldn’t speak.

“Does this mean you’re single?” Kian mumbled, I didn’t look at him “Kian dude shut up” Scooter warned “I guess I am” I cracked out “Justin, no you’re no-“ “I am” I whispered not looking at them, Scooter sighed as he parked into our parking, we all got out and I immediately ran to my room locking the door not wanting to be with anyone.

Renee’s P.O.V


“Renee baby girl what’s wrong?” My dad asked next morning when I was still in my bed with my face covered “Nothing dad” I mumbled “Renee you know you can tell me” “No dad, don’t try to be here for me now, you haven’t been here in what, 5 years? You don’t know anything about me, you don’t know me” “I want to help you Renee. I want to be here now” “Why dad? So you can leave me once more again?” I snapped, my dad got up sighing “If you’re going to be like that..” He mumbled and then walked out slamming the door.

I busted out crying, great! I sobbed taking my pillow crying in it, I wasn’t even trying to push him away, I just did, I never meant to hurt him, but I did, I got up walking to the bathroom, I stared at the reflection in the mirror, the girl, with her eyes filled with sadness and hate towards herself, once again, she was pale, her hair was messed up, she was just a walking mess.

I washed my face and brushed my hair slowly, and then I got in my bed again taking my phone I turned off from yesterday night, when I turned it on it started beeping like crazy, I had so many messages, from Scooter, Brendon, Laura, Yael, how did Yael get my number? Then I had one from Kian.

Are you alright? –Scooter

We’re all pretty worried Renee, how are you? –Brendon

I hope you are alright, we know you didn’t mean what you did, he’ll realize it soon enough –Yael

Renee, I’m going to come over today –Laura

Hey Renee, it’s only just to say that we know that you didn’t mean to hurt Justin, but you did, but that’s alright, he’ll get over it soon enough and he’ll apologize, I promise you that, I really do J -Jack


I smiled a bit at Jacks text, why is he so sweet? I wished Justin was a bit like him, I know it might sound cruel, but I just do, I sniffled throwing my phone on bed sitting down on the floor with my head in my knees “Renee?” “God leave me alone!” I yelled “It’s me..” Laura said “I don’t give three fucks! Please leave me the hell alone! I need to be alone” “Don’t cut” “I don’t self harm” I snapped.

“I know you do I saw your scars” She mumbled “Fuck off!” I yelled groaning as my phone rung, I sighed looking at it, only to see Justin’s name on it, I sighed but didn’t pick it up, I swear I don’t feel like talking to anyone, not even Justin.

But it kept on ringing, ringing and ringing, each time with five minutes of rest, I groaned and laid down on my bed, I sniffled in the pillow closing my eyes trying to block out reality, that I was going to have to face them all, and before I knew it, I fell asleep crying.

“RENEE!?” “RENEE!” “SHE’S NOT WAKING UP! CHECK HER ARMS!” “CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE!” I heard screams from the door, I groaned getting up slowly, and that moment the door busted open “Renee baby” Justin cried running in grabbing my face, to my face he went down my neck, my arms, my wrists “What the hell?” I snapped pulling away “What are you doing?” I asked everyone confused half asleep “You didn’t.. self harm?” Jack asked, I glared looking at Laura, but she looked away to another direction, Dani and Abey..

“What the hell are you doing here?” I snapped “Look, Justin called us and we just thou-“ “You called them?” I asked in disbelief looking at Justin “I was worried what did you want me to do?” “Not call my ex bestfriends!” I yelled at him “You are a jackass” I cracked out “And you told them Dani? That I self harmed?” I asked, Dani looked down “I can’t believe you” I growled sitting on the bed sniffling.

“I’m sorry, I was worried” Justin whispered against my shoulder “Please leave me..” I mumbled “No Renee…” “Justin for gods sake, like you said yesterday, I cheated on you, how comes you are still around?” I cracked out “I don’t know… I just love you too much, I can’t leave you” He cracked out, I still didn’t look back at him, I can’t believe he just forgave me, I’m a cheap slut.


Please comment, like and if you feel really good and happy give me a shout-out? :3 THANK CHU. 

Trouble -EDITING-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora