(6) Flirting with Mr.Mysterious

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Renee's P.O.V

School, ugh, the weekend went on so fast, I did homework Sunday and I stayed in the whole day just relaxing, but now, I need to go to school, also, my dad went to Sweden because of his job, so it's just me and my sister. Because my mom was in France for a whole month, yay! It sucks pretty much to have to take care of myself and my sister all at once, but yeah, I had to do everything ever since I was 6, so, I'm not complaining. 

"Reeeneeee? RENEEE!? HELLOO!?" I heard Abey, I looked at her "Yes?" I chuckled "Hiiiiiiiii!" She said and gave me a bear hug, I sighed and hugged her back "What's up girly?" She frowned "Oh, nothing, I'm home alone once again for three weeks again with Rosie, it's getting to tiring you know?" I mumbled, she sighed and hugged me tighter if that was possible "I'm sorry boo, if you want too, you can come over to my house with your sister, so she can play with my sister, so she leaves you alone and we can go out!" She said excited, I shrugged "Okay" I smiled "Really!?" She squealed, I nodded "Yeah, why not" I chuckled. 

I laughed, I suddenly bumped into someone, I groaned "Look where the fuck you are go-" "What?" I heard a low growl and then I got pinned up against the wall, I heard a few gasps, I groaned "What the hell dude?" I growled and looked up, I met his caramel eyes filled with anger, once he met my eyes, the anger disappeared "Oh.." He mumbled loosening a bit, I brushed my shirt back straight looking at him blushing "Hi, Justin" I whispered glancing up at him "Derek" He mumbled "Sorry" I smiled a bit "Yeah, sorry too, I didn't think it was you, being so mean to me" He smirked, I blushed "Sorry I thought it was a stupid clumsy jerk" I giggled "And what am I?" "A.. Stupid clumsy jerk" I laughed out, he busted out laughing. 

"Derek?" I heard Dani's voice, we both turned around "Hey" He said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck "What are you doing in school man?" Dani asked, he shrugged "Getting an education I guess" He joked "Guys, I'm going to class, buh bye" I said and walked to my class "Can you tell me what that was?" I heard Abey's voice "What?" I asked confused.

"You, flirting with Mr. Mysterious" She gasped, I chuckled "Mr. Mysterious? Who is that?" I laughed "Derek Lozano captain obvious" She said rolling her eyes, I chuckled "I wasn't flirting with him, I was talking" I rolled my eyes "Yeah, with a lot of blushing and stuff"  She said gasping "Idiot, I wasn't flirting with him" I giggled, she chuckled "Fiine, lets go to class, we're going to get late because of your ass flirting with Lozano" She winked, I rolled my eyes. 

The day passed by, now I was sitting at lunch with Dani and Abey, I was sighing searching for Justin in the room "What are you looking for? Or should I say, who are you looking for?" Abey said smirking, I groaned "For no one, I mean, nothing" I mumbled blushing "Derek?" Abey smirked "Derek?" Dani said looking at me "No!" I mumbled glaring at him "Seriously, he's tro-" "trouble, I know, just shut up" I growled, Dani looked shocked at me, I got up and stormed off, he's not realistic! Seriously!

He's my friend! Not my boyfriend or brother or what the fuck ever he thinks he is! I can take care of myself! I don't need him 'protecting' me "Hey bubbles" I heard a voice chuckle, I looked around to see Brendon "What are you doing here?" I said confused "I'm just picking up J- Derek" He chuckled, I nodded "Where is he going?" The moment that question left my mouth, I regretted it, I looked at him blushing "Just home" He said smirking "Sorry, I didn't mean to ask that" I mumbled blushing "Finally, I thought you'd never come man, you are too late" I heard his voice, I turned around "At least I came to get you, so shut up, baby boy" He smirked "Oh please, did you see my di-" "Justin" Brendon laughed and pointed at me, I blushed when he turned around. 

Trouble -EDITING-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant