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Justin's P.O.V

I woke up with a headache and a pain in my back, ugh, what the fuck? I slowly got up and I remembered last night, the party, it sucked so bad, that's why I drank, I put my head in my hands groaning, I looked at the table to see a glass of water and a painkiller, then bacon and eggs, I got up confused "Good morning, drunk ass" I heard a mumble, I looked in the kitchen to see Renee cooking, I looked at her "Hey" I mumbled hugging her from behind, she kept on cooking "Are you mad?" I whispered "That's for me to know and for you to find out" She muttered "I'll take that as I yes" I sighed as I pulled back "That's for you, by the way" Renee mumbled, I sat down as I started to eat "Thank you beautiful" I said eating. 

She smiled "Anytime" She said sitting down next to me "Where are the rest?" I mumbled "Sleeping" She said rubbing her eyes "At what time did you go to sleep?" I asked her "About 6AM, I couldn't sleep" She shrugged, I sighed "I'm sorry, I promise I wont ever go to another party, it was plain boring without you" I groaned, she giggled blushing "Thanks" She giggled "Good morning" I heard Scooter "Hey, breakfast is in the kitchen, I made some bacon and eggs" Renee said smiling, she's so sweet "Oh, thank you" He said smiling, he went to the kitchen and came back with the plate and a glass or orange juice "Want some painkillers?" Renee said getting up "No, please I'll take it myself, I was born with feet" He said, I looked at him, he got up and got some aspirin, I chuckled and looked at Renee who was pouting, I chuckled, I finished my food and took my painkiller "Why did I sleep on the couch?" I asked confused "I got really pissed at you" She blushed "Oh.." I nodded "Sorry" "Do you want to go out with me today?" I asked quickly and nervously, her eyes lit up as she started nodding like crazy, I smiled "Okay" I said "Wait, Justin I'm all ugly and bruised, I don't have clothes" She frowned "Hey" I said pushing my plates away, I took Renee setting her on the table, I stood up hugging her waist "You, my love, are the most beautiful girl I've ever met, don't ever say you are ugly, I'm sorry about your bruises, but even bruised up, you look so beautiful Renee, please don't think otherwise, you are perfect" I whispered, Scooter grinned at me sticking his thumb up, I chuckled, she looked at me as red as a tomato, I chuckled "And for the clothes, we're going to the mall" I laughed, she gasped "I don't have money!" She squealed "Oops? I do" I smirked, she groaned "No" "Yes" "No" "Shut up and take my money" "I'd rather suck my brother's dick" "You don't have a brother" "Shit" 

With that our conversation ended, I smirked at her "Okay, fuck off I want to eat" Ryan said as he walked in, I laughed and took Renee off of the table "Want to shower?" I asked her, she nodded "Lets save water" I whispered, she shook her head blushing, I chuckled "Fine, call me when I need to cure your wounds" I said smiling, I kissed her cheek, she smiled and walked in the bathroom "I can't believe this" Scooter said kind of proudly "Believe what?" I asked him "You can be sweet again" He laughed,  I chuckled "I think I'm going to tell her, what happened with Jason" I whispered "What!?" He gasped, I nodded "I don't know.." I sighed "If you feel comfortable with it, do it, you need it, you need to talk about your problems and your past" He said "I'm scared she'll leave me" "Are you kidding me? Renee wouldn't leave" He laughed, I sighed "This girl is here to stay Justin" He whispered "What if they kill her Scooter?" I said "They wont, because you will protect her, we will all protect her" He whispered, I looked down "What if one day, we get into a fight and she runs away, and then they kill her?" I mumbled "They wont kill her, just believe" He mumbled "Believe in what Scooter? In that those guys have something in their heart? That says 'mm, maybe it'll hurt him' Wake the fuck up because that's what they want" I hissed "No, believe in yourself and in Renee" "Of course I believe in Renee" "But do you believe in yourself?" "No" "Exactly" 

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