(29) She's done with me

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Renee’s P.O.V


“Ohh! Oh!” Brendon moaned out, I glared “Shut up! Are you teasing me every time I’m having sex with Justin!? Seriously ugh!” I groaned pissed off, Brendon laughed “Sorry sorry” Brendon chuckled “If Justin hears this, he’s kicking your butt” “No don’t tell him-“ “Oh yes I am-“ “No please don-“ “Don’t tell who?” I heard Justin’s voice, I smirked looking around “Woops..” I smirked “I wasn’t doing anything, I swear I-“ “He was teasing me” I smirked out, Justin glared at him “What were you doing?” He growled, I know he wasn’t serious, I know he wasn’t.

“I-I’m sorry Justin” Brendon said, Justin busted out laughing “I was kidding mate, just don’t do it again” He laughed, Brendon nodded “Thanks..” Brendon said chuckling, I looked over at Justin amused, I love when they are so playful, they are so much fun.

“Good morning” I heard Yael’s voice, I turned around “Hey Yael” I said smiling “Hi” She said smiling taking an apple and starting to eat “That’s not breakfast, you should eat more” Scooter said “I’m not hungry-“ “Eat” Scooter said “I’m making pancakes” Scooter said taking all their ingredients.

“Would you all like some pancakes?” Scooter asked “Yesssh!” Laura and I yelled at the same time, I giggled and high fived her, she smirked at me “Twinnies forever!” She giggled, I chuckled “You girls are weird, so weird you worry me” Justin laughed “Calm down, sex bomb” Jack smirked at Justin, Justin glared at him “Shut your mouth” He chuckled, I laughed at them “Wow..” I mumbled sitting down on the counter.

You know, I’d love to fuck you like that” Justin’s voice whispered in my ear sending a chill down my spine, I gasped and looked at him “At her reaction, you said something dirty, please don’t have sex here” Kian said, I blushed “We weren’t” I mumbled, Justin kissed my cheek and then he walked off, I groaned “What are we going to do today?” I groaned “Lets all go out to the beach! Yess! Come on it’s summer guys” Scooter groaned “You know we can’t” Brendon said “No, come on little shit, someone?” Scooter frowned “Me!” “ME!” Me and Yael yelled, Laura soon joined in, and then everyone else, probably to see us in our bikini.

I giggled “Wait, I have no bikini” I frowned “Yes you do” Yael smiled holding car keys up, I giggled “Lets drive to your house and get your bikini” Yael said, I nodded and got my phone “Justin I’ll be back soon, just going to get my bikini” I called out “We’ll all meet you girls there!” Scooter yelled from the kitchen “Okay!” Laura said and we all walked out.

Justin’s P.O.V


We were sitting all down at the beach as the girls were all swimming in the sea, I sighed as I looked over at Scooter “Damn man, those hot bitches keep on looking at you” Ryan said patting my back, I shrugged “I don’t care, I’m Renee’s” I chuckled looking at Renee watching her jump on Laura and then fall down in the water, I smiled at them “Hey big boy” I heard a female’s voice, I looked over at the side only to see a blonde slut with no self respect for herself “What’s your name?” “Not your business” I snapped, she smirked and sat on top of my lap, I stared at her shocked.

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