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3rd POV
"S-sorry.."Natsu said looking down as she walked next to her brother,"hmm? It's fine..I just..don't want them to know.."hinata said looking at his sister then back to the ground,Natsu got closer to hinata and held his hand,hinata smiled at her and then they continued walking to there house.

"Mom we're home!"hinata yelled as he and his sister were taking off there shoes,"welcome home hunny! Hey shouyou can you and Natsu come here for a second"Sakima said from the living room,hinata went to the living room with his little sister following behind,"yes mom?"hinata said as he and Natsu sat down,"I wanted to tell you that I needed to go somewhere this afternoon and I'm taking Natsu with me so I told Oikawa-Kun and Iwaizumi-kun to come over and stay with you!"Sakima said,hinata had wide eyes,"why did you call them? I mean I can stay alone!"he said looking at his mom,"well after the accident I'm not gonna leave you alone"she said,"b-but"hinata started,"No buts! Now Natsu go get ready we're going later"Sakima said,"HAI"Natsu yelled as she rushed to her room to get ready,hinata looked at his mom then back at the ground,"I just want you to stay safe.."she said then she went to her room to get ready as well.

Time skip Oikawa and iwaizumi are at hinata's house and his mom has already left..
"So.."Oikawa started he was getting bored he wanted to ask hinata about what happened and how did he do it..he thought he took the bladders box..'beep''beeep''beep', Hinata's phone started ringing he looked at the number that was calling him..then his face paled.."who's it Chibi-Chan?"Oikawa said as he noticed the pale face of the smaller,"n-no one i-important!"he said,"what do you mean your face paled.."iwaizumi said,"uh..i-i'll g-go get it w-wait here!"hinata said as he went out of the room they were sitting at.
He once again looked at his phone and it wasn't ringing anymore but he had a message..he opened it and well..

Oi you slut you think that-
By changing schools you'll get ride-
Of us? Heh we'll find you.

arah arah shrimpy why leaving us-
Now hmm? Well don't worry-
We'll find you and we'll get you-
Back again.

Hi-Na-Ta~ you think you're free-
By just leaving? We'll find you-
You little hoe.

After hinata read those messages he fell to his knees he started crying why? Why'd they do this? What do they want??..

Iwaizumi and Oikawa got a little concerned at the little boy so they went to see him,when they opened the door they saw him on the ground crying with his phone in his hand,they both ran to him,"HINATA! What's wrong?!"iwaizumi said as he bent down next to hinata,Oikawa was next to him on the other side,"Chibi-Chan?.."Oikawa said putting his hand on his shoulder, hinata's eyes widened at the action this was what they did to him when they wanted to...
Hinata curled himself in a bull then yelled "I'M SORRY P-PLEASE D-DON'T DO I-IT AGAIN I-I SWEAR I'LL BE G-GOOD.. p-please.."he said while crying, Oikawa's eyes widened at the actions of the smaller, iwaizumi looked at hinata,"h-hinata what a-are you talking about it's iwaizumi and Oikawa W-what will we do?"iwaizumi said scared at the smaller,"n-no y-you'll do W-what you d-do every d-day.. please.. p-please don't I-i.."hinata was crying his memories were mixing with what he was seeing,Oikawa hugged him and iwaizumi started drawing circles on his back to calm him down..
After like five minutes hinata had finally calmed down he was now only sobbing a little,the three were sitting on the ground hinata on Oikawa's lap and iwaizumi next to him caressing his hair,"shouyou..w-will you tell us W-what happened to you..?"Oikawa said hugging hinata a little, hinata only nodded a little then looked down.."I-IT all started on the last time when we lost the game against your team.."hinata started, iwaizumi and Oikawa looked up at him listening carefully to what he'll say.
"Me and kageyama we're left in the c-club room..a-alone.."hinata's eyes started tearing at the thought of it..."h-he then c-came to m-me and h-he..he-..h-he f-forced himself i-inside m-me.."hinata started crying Oikawa and iwaizumi's eyes widened "I-IT was t-the first t-time he've ever done s-somthing like t-that..I I thought it was only f-for one time b-but then he started d-doing it e-every day after p-practice when we're a-alone..o-one day h-he was doing i-it to m-me when t-the club r-room's door o-opened I i- thought it w-would be s-suga san or anyone t-that would h-help me b-but it was t-tsukishima and y-yamaguchi..I looked a-at them with my teary eyes I t-thought they'd h-help me b-but.."hinata was crying he couldn't finish.. iwaizumi was looking at him silently waiting for the rest same as Oikawa.." t-tsukishima then said t-that t-that he w-wanted to j-joine s-same as y-yamaguchi they t-the started r-raping me e-every day a-and t-that w-wasn't enough f-for them..t-that started t-to b-beat me every d-day I h-have bruises o-on e-every part o-of my b-body.."hinaat said while crying Oikawa was crying he was hugging hinata tightly iwaizumi had wide eyes he had tears rolling down his face two 'how could someone do this to you I mean TOBIO-CHAN?? him out of all people??' oikawa was hugging hinatat tightly hinata's face was buried on his chest,"t-that's n-not all"hinatat said,Oikawa let go of hinatat they both looked at him with confused faces,'not all what else happened to you hinata?!' iwaizumi looked at him with fear.."m-my d-dad.."hinata started,"my d-dad used to abuse m-me..t-the first t-time I got r-raped I was n-nine mom had t-to go for w-work and she took Natsu w-with her and l-left me a-alone with him..h-he t-then..'sob'..h-he brought h-his friends over s-so th-they can h-have fun.."hinata started crying even harder now,"w-waite you m-mean.."iwaizumi couldn't believe it 'how did the sunshine the bright sun how can it be this sad..why didn't anyone ever know about this? Why didn't anyone see it before?' iwaizumi was looking at him with fear in his eyes he went to his at and hugged him hinata bust into tears he started crying and he hugged them both Oikawa was crying and he hugged them both.."sh-shouyou I-I'm sorry w-wait y-you've been living l-like this w-why didn't y-you t-tell anyone?"Oikawa said looking at the smaller,"they threatened me..they t-told if I told anyone i-it'lk get worse..b-but then m-mom found out and she made us change school a-and here I'm now.."hinata said looking down,"s-so that's why you didn't want to play volleyball huh.."iwaizumi said,"we're sorry shouyou.."iwaizumi said,"it's not your guys fault I got used to it tho.."hinata said smiling weakly at the two,this broke there hearts..how can they do that..why to him? How can they?..."s-so why were you crying a while ago?"Oikawa said,"h-here"hinata handed them his phone they looked at it concerned then they opened it..they read what the sent to him there eyes were wide..."WTF IS THERE PROBLEM!?"Oikawa yelled,"so they don't know what school you're in?"iwaizumi said as he deleted there names and the messages from hinata's phone,"no mom told the school to not give them i-iformations.."hinata said,"that's better.."Oikawa said,"hey your phone is ringing it's your mom"iwaizumi said,"oh give it to me.."hinatat said,
"yes mom?"hinata said

"Shouyou sorry I won't come back till tomorrow ask oikawa-kun and iwaizumi-kun if they can stay over okay?love ya!"Sakima said

"O-okay love you too"hinata said

"So?"Oikawa said,"mom said if you two can stay over 'cause she won't be home.."hinata said looking at them both,"of course Chibi-Chan!"Oikawa said,"hey don't call me that garnd king!"his at said,they three started laughing..
A while of silence later hinata started realizing what position they are at..it was hinata on Oikawa's lap and iwaizumi's hand on his waist,hinata then started blushing and he immediately got up and bowed a 90°,"s-sorry for sitting o-on your l-lap!"his at said still blushing,this made the two boys blush a little then they stated chuckling hinata looked up at them both with concern,"it's fine Chibi-Chan"Oikawa said dafter laughing,"hmph whatever I'm tired I wanna sleep.."hinata said tiredly while rubbing his eyes,"well let's get you to bed!"Oikawa said as he lifted hinata up bridal stile,"eh??! P-put me DOWN!!!"hinata started blushing and yelling, iwaizumi was walking next to them and laughing at the two idiots.

"Good night guys.."hinata said as his eyes closed and he drifted in sleep,"iwa-Chan..I think...I think I like Chibi-Chan.."Oikawa said,"what?.."iwaizumi said looking at him,"I know we've been rivals days ago and he only opened up to us today but I don't know I just started having this weird feeling towards Chibi-Chan..since the day he came to our school"Oikawa said while playing with hinata's hair,"I think I like him too shittykawa.."iwaizumi said laying inside the bed next to hinata and hugging him,Oikawa looked at his childhood friend then he smiled he went next to them and layed on the other side of the bed hugging hinata from the back,"good night iwa-Chan"Oikawa said,"night shittykawa"iwaizumi said then the three were sleeping on the bed peacefully.

"Oi where are you huh? Why did you leave?
Where did you take my kids?"

Hi tangerines🍊a new update!!
Well thank you for all the readings this makes me happy!!
Anyways guys do you like the ship ' iwaoihina ' because I'm a big fan of it I love it so much!!!

Annddd guyss please call me danna-Chan~!!
That's my real name..but anyways stay safe my tangerines🍊✨


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