004(Back story part 1)

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When did this all start..oh I know on the day Hinata Natsu was born...
9 years ago
Hinata: 6 years

"Shouyou look isn't she cute"Sakima 'hinata mom' said while holding her new baby,"WAAH KAWAII oka-San can I hold her?"Hinata said stars in his eyes,"mhm yup here but be careful okay?"Sakima said,"HAI"hinata said taking the baby from his mom.
Hinata's smile reached to his eyes,his mom chuckled and took Natsu again,"nee oka-San where's oto-San?"hinata said looking around the room,"he..don't worry about it hunny he'll probably come sometime"Sakima said smiling a little,"oh okay"hinata said then he went back to his normal cheerful self, '...I don't want him to know he left..'Sakima thought looking down at her two kids..

4 years later
Hinata: 10 years

Hinata and his little sister Natsu were playing and there mom sitting next to them smiling at her kids.
The door bell started ringing so Sakima asked hinata to open the door,'Click' hinata opened the door revealing a tall man with dark orange hair,"DAD"Hinata yelled joyful and went to hug him but only to get thrown to the ground by his dad, Hinata's eyes widened,"d-dad..?"hinata looked up at his dad tears forming in his eyes,"Where's your mom?"He said looking at his son in a disgust look,"s-she's in the l-living room"hinata said now the tears rolling down his cheeks,"oi stop crying your a man and men's don't cry"he said in a deep scary voice,hinata only looked away and started wiping his tears.
"Who was it hu-"Sakima started but then she stopped when she saw her husband walk in and hinata after him with dry tears on his face,"Kashima.."Sakima said looking at him in the eyes,Natsu was hiding behind her mom and so did hinata when his mom signaled for him to come to her,"Sakima..I see you didn't abort it hu"he said in disbelief,"first of all no I haven't and second she have a name"Sakima said starting to get angry,"well does it look like I care?"he said now walking towards them,"STAY AWAY! What are you even doing here?"she yelled,"huh?this is my house what do you mean what am I doing here",he said now grabbing sakima's wrist,"HEY DON'T TOUCH MOM!"hinata yelled trying to get his hand off his mom's,"oi that's none of your business"he said throwing hinata to the ground,"SHOUYOU"Sakima yelled trying to get her hand off his grip,"ONII-CHAN"Natsu rushed to her brother,"I'm fine Natsu hey how about you go to my room and stay inside the closet"Hinata whispered so his dad won't hear,Natsu nodded and went to her room,"what do you want from us? Why did you come back huh?"Sakima said as she got her hand free,hinata went to his mom and hugged her,"I only missed you"he said in a deep low voice,Sakima looked at him with fear.."w-wait.."Sakima looked at him then at her son she hugged him and started whispering in his ear,"hey go hide and Natsu in the closet and what ever happens or whatever you hear don't get out okay?"Sakima whispered in hinata's ear then backed a little smiling at him,"b-but m..mom!"hinata started but his mom putted her hand on his mouth,"I'll be fine I'll just talk to him okay?"she said smiling a little trying to hide her fear,hinata only nodded and went straight to his room where Natsu was.
"Oni-Chan?"Natsu said with tears rolling down her face while hugging her brother tightly,"m-mom s-said I..it'll b-be o..okay!"he said trying to not listen to the sound of his mom yelling and crying..
"P-please s-stop AHH p-please I'm b-begging you.."she said in tears,"Shut up"his said slapping her to the ground,"take off your clothes"he said,she looked at him in fear,"W-what"she said,"I said TAKE OFF YOUR F!CKING CLOTHES"he yelled and she started crying harder,"oh you wanna play the hard way?"he said now walking closer..
"O-oni-Chan w-what's happening there..?"Natsu said looking at her brother,hinata was putting his hands on Natsu's ears 'cause he didn't want her to hear the thing that's going to happen,"n-nothing it's n-nothing"he said trying to sound normal..

And like that every day hinata's mom would get raped and hinata trying to not let his sister hear it..but one day.. hinata's mom was out to get the groceries and hinata was left with Natsu and there dad,"d-dad can i-"hinata started but was cut by a slap from his dad throwing him to the floor from all the force in this one slap..(lol sorry I can't..),"d-dad.."hinata started,"didn't I tell you to stop calling me THAT?" He said kicking him in his stomach,'cough' hinata started coughing and tears started rolling down his face,"OI STOP CRYING YOU FREAK DIDN'T I TELL YOU MEN'S DON'T CRY?!"He started yelling at him  kicking,slapping, throwing him to the ground..
hinata started coughing blood he had bruises on his body his dad left a while ago and he was left on the ground.. right then his mom came back,she walked in the room only to see her son on the ground with blood around him,"SHOUYOU"she yelled as she rushed to her son,"o-oka-San..i-it hurts.."he said crying,"baby I'm sorry I'm sorry I left you with him.."she said tears rolling down her face while hugging her son,"i-it's fine o-oka-San as long as you and Natsu are fine"he said trying to smile at his mom,that only made her cry even more,she held hinata's hand helping him to the bathroom so she can bandage him..
As they finished they went to Hinata room where Natsu was locking the door and sitting on his bed,"oni-chan are you okay?"Natsu said hugging her brother,"Yup oni-Chan is all good see I'm strong!"he said smiling at his sister she smiled back and there mom looked at them and smiled a warm motherly smile..

And like that it happened everyday hinata would get beaten up trying to save his mom and little sister..but what happened when he went to Karasuno?why did he seem more sad and afraid?

To be continued...

Hi guys here's part 1 of the back story hope you like it next chapter will be part two!

Thanks for reading my story!!


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